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Question: Why does positive thinking work!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you tell yourself enough times that everything will be fine, all is ok, things will get better etc,,, then eventually you will start to believe this yourself!. also, i have noticed that being around positive people helps you think positive, whereas, being around negative people does tend to make you down and negative!. So, to sum up, positiveness creates more positiveness!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you think positively for the attainment of stuff, you're going to manifest nothing!. Why!? Because when you think positively to acquire stuff, you're putting out a feeling (or vibration) that you don't have what you want, and by thinking positively you'll get it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

because it gives you HOPE! if you're in trouble, thinking negatively isn't going to help you!. hope can stimulate your brain and think of new ways out!. thinking pessimisticly wont let you work any harder at whatever your tatget is because you'll think there's no point!.
saying that, you shouldn't be totally ignorant of the truth!. if you're clearly doomed, you look at the positives, but don't get carried away!.
the glass is half full ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's because of a huge process that works in us!!!

When you think positive you will gain a reward point in your heart and negative energy(0!.5%) get rid of you !!!
And when cosmicpower gets into your heart you and starts ruling your heart you become a ever successful person\\\\\\

But it requires a lot of concentration in mind and control over subconscious!!!

To complete these tasks you must think +ve which is the primary thing to succeed in life!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think because reality is largely (but not totally) perception!. if we are looking for the positives we are more likely to see more positives!.

it's a cliche but surely we will be happier if we focus on the good and try to see the best of the bad!.

wish i could follow my own teachings!.!.!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

because worry will not give any good effect!.!.!. even the thing that gives you worry happens or not, you waste the time (that you must be spending being happy) living in the midst of fear!.
So what is the use of being negative!.!.!. life is short, we must spend every bit of it being happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because there's no worries you can feel!.!.your mind is very clear when making moves, or decisions!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com