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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you manage to have good friendships in life?

Question: How do you manage to have good friendships in life!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you have to be happy with yourself first, and quite secure, because you can inadvertently be putting people off if you're too needy!.
I think it's also very important (and many people forget this!) to be discerning about the people you take on as friends!. You do not have to be pressured into friendships with every soul that crosses your path - some will only be suitable as acquaintances!. But when you meet someone who you know shares the same values as you, and has some common interests, you often feel drawn to them, and that, to me, is the sign of a friendship worth pursuing!.
Then to maintain it, you need to be attentive to them, make sure they know they are precious to you, and treat them well!. Be willing to open up to them and share something of yourself, encourage them to feel comfortable with you!. Never, ever take your friends for granted!. Most of all, be trustworthy and honour any confidences that are shared between you, and be willing to laugh or cry with them as the moment requires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First I must be friend with myself: assess my wants and hates, evaluate my emotion in different situations, accept my strenghts and weaknesses, then love myself for being me!.
Because you cannot let other people be friend and love you if you are not in good terms with yourself!.!.!.
and by understanding yourself better you can also understand your friend-to-keep easily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Friends help each other out, we enjoy the good times together, and we will try to help the other ones through bad times!.!.!.I feel so lucky, because i have friends like this, we all pitch in when the other is going through a hard time, even right now, one of my friends is going through extreme financial trouble, I'm giving him food, even though I'm basically broke myself, i suffer a little bit, to ease their suffering, and my friend has already done the same for me!.!.!.I'm not repaying the favor, I'm just doing what friends do!.!.!. we care!.!.!.we basically have a friendship based around codes!.!.!.but at the same time we are extremely undramatic about our lifestyles!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

id have to say that, great friendships arent managed or controlled, only found an explored through trial an error!.!.

the "true" friends see all the out-of-normal events in your life your either too embarassed or too proud to share with even your closest friends!.!.!. those we can share the less than kosher moments of our lives with, make us think twice about being hermits with our problems!.!. honestly, at the end of the day, we all breathe oxygen an program humanly!.!. but when u can open up with your real problems, a!.k!.a!. the real you,!.!.!.!. thats real trust!.!.!. and good friendships equate the defination of someone you would lay down for!.!.!. my word!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be honest, loving, caring, kind, considerate!. All those good emotions!. Asking about their day and actually listen can go a long way!. Make them feel appreciated, like your the luckiest person in the whole world just to be their friend!. I forgot friendly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are true enough to your friend you need not manage to but the frienfship iself become strong on it's own


------------------YOU NEED NOT------------------Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be a friend to yourself first before you can be anybody's friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be the good friend to others first and always!. It will come back to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get a puppy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just be yourself, show to them what you want a friend to be!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com