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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where can I find contentment?

Question: Where can I find contentment!?
I am an 18 year old independent girl!. I have no family at all, and I live in a abused women's shelter!. I am a full-time student and worker, and I have to find a car and a place to stay on my own!. My only emotional support is my boyfriend, and now that I started working, we have completely opposite shifts and I can't see him that much anymore!. When does life get better!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well you sound like a great young person with a good start!. But make sure your bf is really supportive of your dream!. If not drop him rather than your dream!.

Find a job that you can do to maintain the necessities of life for you including educating yourself to gain the tools to become a very good animator!.

Just think of what Albert Einstein did!. He was a patent clerk who worked on a revolutionary way to view gravity, time, and space, and matter!. And he was just a little bit older than you at that time!. Take heart and good luck!

Life gets better when you choose to look at present circumstances as challenges for improvement, that are there to better yourself for your future!. And don't forget those who help you along the way and do what is good and these will have a way to pay you back in the end!. Never give up your humanity to achieve your goals!. Later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find it hard to look for contentment in the big picture, to look for it in the future is like chasing a reainbow!. I prefer to find joy in the little things, like making friends or listening to music, watching a good movie!. But you are not talking about this petty enjoyment, you mean the deep satisfaction!. And it takes a long time to find that, and i believe most people never do, it takes hard work and then the ability to step back and look at what you have achieved!. By the sound of your story you have a lot to be proud of, and you are looking to negetivly at your situation, you should put it in perspective and enjoy the place you have gotten to!. But maybe i dont know what im talking about, but you sound like a well-rounded individual to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sets yourself goals and focus on getting them accomplished!. Please don't rely solely on your boyfriend [or anyone] for contentment!. It starts with you being content with yourself!.

Sometimes people find this in religion, or yoga and meditation!. You, on the other hand, probably need counseling to help you sort out your thoughts and find your own value that you give yourself, that no one else could ever take away again!.

I'm sorry for the crappy start to your life, but take the efforts now to improve your life on your own!. Life does improve when you love yourself and you set short and long term goals and stay focused!. The best revenge is success!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you come to terms with the hand that is dealt to you and you learn how to fully enjoy time with yourself and have peace with what surrounds you!. I suggest doing things for you that you enjoy!.!.!. (i!.e!. beach, walks, reading, massage etc!.) If you learn to take care of yourself you will be more content with life because you will have an inner peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happiness isn't hard to find!. Happiness is a state of mind!. It doesn't come from fame or wealth, it comes from deep inside yourself!.

you have to discard what keeps you from being happy no matter what the cost and you have to think long and hard about what you want then go out and get it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont frett about what you don't have be gratefull for what you have !.,someone that cares for you ,food and shelter!. you would be amazed at how many people dont have any of that!.you seem like a hard worker,you will do well in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMg, take it easy girl, God bless u, dont give up on life now, live ur life nd keep trying uuntill u reach the level u want,Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can only find it within!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what goes around comes around and you trying so hard automatically means that soon someone will try hard for you!. Dont give up! keep tryin!. youll make it better!.


You will find contentment right after content and contention!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This worked for me!.
