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Position:Home>Philosophy> If we make a wrong decision, why do we have to regret it so much later?

Question: If we make a wrong decision, why do we have to regret it so much later!?
I mean, we're always stressing about "we should have made THAT decision!.!.!." but the future isn't set in stone, right!? That decision could have turned out just as bad!.

Maybe it's just one of those stupid human things!. >!.<Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's one of those stupid human things!. 'The grass is always greener' and all!.!.!. Yes, it could've been just as bad!. But, when you say 'I should have made THAT decision', you imagine the best possible outcome that could have come of it, and think it to have been realistic!. And why not!? It's not like you'll ever really find out, otherwise!. All you know is that the decision you did make didn't turn out like you had wanted!.!.!. Maybe the other way might have!.

Maybe not, but we don't like to think about the maybe not part!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The adage is true that "hindsight is 20/20"!. You are right we are only human and cannot know the future!. It ends up being what it is!. The only real steerage we have is based on past experience (20/20 again) that may help us to make us less errors!. But keep your chin up since "to err is human"!. An even better way is to get advice from your friends you trust and who have had experience!. That's the best we can do and we will be able to regret less!. Later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally think it like this " Its unfortunate that we cannot foresee our future, be it a minute, hour or day ahead, if we could alot of mistakes or regrets would never happen!. The future isnt exactly mappped out as some ppl tend to precieve it!. Alot of ppl also make the mistake of believing that God has everything to do with what right or wrongs we do, My opinion!. He is just there to guide us, Its us that do right or wrong!. And obviously becoz we are not so perfect or dont always know what just, may be right, we end up thinking, " I should have gone with my gut feeling" Overall!.!.!. Its human nature to give a damn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps it's because we regret the pain it may have done to others or it leaves us embarrassed and makes us feel stupid!.!.!.if it's a huge blunder, we may feel as though we have sinned against God!.!.!.one of the most difficult things the human psyche has to learn is how to forgive oneself as well as others!.!.!.if we can get a grip on this, then we do not suffer so much from regret later onWww@QuestionHome@Com

Mistakes become the established boundaries many of us come to respect!. Regret, probably more of the little voice saying "you don't want to go there!." In the future all is possible but only few things work!.!.!.up to us to find the most direct path without too many digressions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that when you make a decision, you should not look back just look forward and accept the good and bad things that come as consecuence!. Regreting it doesn't make a difference, just take that mistake as an exaple of what you will not do in the future!.:DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think we regret it so much later because we are wired not to forget what went wrong the last time!. Like the first time you burn your hand on a hot surface you know the next time not to touch it!.

Simplistic answer I know, but I think its true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you regret, it's because you done something wrong and you realise this could end up turing ugly in the future!.
More simply, you regret because you are scared of the future after doing the wrong thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you do not "grow" from a mistake, then there will be regret!. It also is caused by not being "Present"!. When we re-live the past, we are living an illusion, and are quite absent from the Present Moment!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simple answer, we don't have to regret things later, well, if you don't want to, Regrets are just missed chances, that we didn't take!. If You live your Life by regrets, you won't your Present!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

regret and guilt are reminders not to make that mistake again!. like pain it is a thing that helps us not to hurt ourselves and reminds us for a while when we do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think in essence, that we would rather have someone give us the answer to the lessons of life than have to gain them by experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cuz the more we think about the more it haunts us, so i tend 2 not look back no more, it hurts 2 much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

so that u don't make the same mistake twiceWww@QuestionHome@Com