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Position:Home>Philosophy> Life. Whats the point?

Question: Life!. Whats the point!?
Whats the point to this world!? All we do is spend our whole lives studying so we can get a "good" job!. so we can get money!. Why do we value it so much!? i dont see the point of it!. We work all day for money!. instead getting good at something or bettering the world!. we work for paper!. and then then give the paper to people!. who in fact are just a bunch of people also working for paper!. Just an endless cycle Working for in fact nothing!. Doesnt bring happines!. doesnt even make everything better!. Or we sped our whole lives Worrying about what happens when we die!. but in fact why waste the life you could be living worrying!? when u die u die!. when you find out that anweser u relized you wasted your whole life worrying about it and it flew by!. Theres no point to life when you dont live it!. we are all in a meaningless cycle of work-money money-work!.

NO YOU NEED TO GO TO CHURCH ANWESERS religion is just as a big of a waste!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are confusing "Life" and "living in our society"!. Life is just existence, the continuing of our body cycles!. Living in our society is completely different and depends mainly on what you choose to do with what you have or can achieve through your community!.

If you don't like the society you live in there are other options, although they're not always obvious, nor easy to pursue or obtain!.

I do understand, or at least appreciate, where you sentiments are coming from!. I just may not react in the same way as you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A point is an idea that the planner of a plan is trying to get across to us!. So if there is a point, then there is a planner and the planner of my life can only be God!.

Seek your Creator!. If God exists, that has to be the idea (point) that He is trying to get across!. If God doesn't exist, there is no point to life and we all live a meaningless existence then die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this is going to sound really different!. but maybe the point of life is figuring it out what is the point of life for ourselves!.

i do agree that orginized religions are more "club" like and a waste of time!. but i dont think all of them are like that!.

my idea of the point of life is sorta simple: live to learn, learn to live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with your last sentence!. Religions are just Man made clubs!.
But the BIG difference is when you believe!. That's the word!.
I am totally agree you say about this world, all its systems, all the rich people, all this gold rush!.!.!.!. is senseless to me!.!.!.!.!.

Jesus Christ, gave me the promise of ethernal life!. I have peace of mind with that comming life!. BUT also jesus has gave me a life, abundant life, it's possible to be so happy even living in a world like this!

JESUS is the answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life: As you go through it you accumulate experiences!.
These may be pleasant or unpleasant, valuable or useless, constructive or destructive, to you!.
These experiences are all you will ever really own!.
Select and collect them carefully!.
That is the point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you die you just die, nothing interesting happens, no flashing lights or special effects!.!.!. Your right, what is the point!? Live, Die, *Poof*!? And the people working for money give it to other people who give us money so they get the money back!.!.!.!. life is a conspiricy!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is one big test!. Everything will make sense when the time comes!. Everything has a reason!. There is only the inevitable in this world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be born, reproduce, die!. That seems to be the point!. (Which makes some of us redundant!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wealth in this country and in the world is created by the movement of this paper (money)!. When you do work for the money, you are doing work!. When you pay for something you are paying for someone else's work!. This cycle may loop the amount of money in the world, but it makes everyone do more work, create more things, and progress!.

If you aren't satisfied with the work you do/are studying to do, then choose something else that you are satisfied with!. There are so many things you can do to add to the progress of the world!. Paper money is merely a catalyst to that progress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This place is a school, a womb!. You are here to learn, to grow, to develop, and ultimately to become what your parent is, a Divine Being in your own right!.

You don't have to wait until you die to find out what's going on!. You can learn to do that while you are still incarnate in the vehicle you call your physical body!.

It isn't a matter of religion!. It's not a matter of belief!. It's a matter of technique!. It's like learning to take care of and operate a car, only it isn't a car that you have, it's a starship!. The big reason it isn't working for you now is because YOU aren't running enough energy to bring it online!.

You're right, making money is not the point to life!. How ever much you make, it will be taken from you, sooner or later!. The real riches here, the real power, is learning to tap into the power stream of creation and learning to manage the energy available there!. THAT is riches you CAN take with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never was any point!.
Doesn't matter if there is or not!.

In your time on this planet what brought you pleasure!?
Think of these things and seek to get those pleasures!.

We learn so to be more efficient with obtaining pleasurable things!.
Work DOES suck!. Become autonomous from the grind you, me, and unfortunately many others were born into!.
Try to get to the point where you do what you LIKE to do and get away from that pointless life-draining grind!.

Money IS useless!. It was a stand-in for trading pieces!. Like when kids trade baseball cards on the schoolyard and when ancient farmers traded crops and animals!. All things of the same kind are not created equal so someone came up with an idea to turn some metal crap into stand-in for the standardized value of exchanging, trading!. Later on somebody said paper would be more easier to carry around so they added this to the mix too!.

Some people never cared about all this and continued just growing their own food and providing their own shelter but the ones who lived by the "money" system didn't like their independence so they forced all necessities to be under a money rule!. You couldn't find some isolated land to live under because you had to pay money to live on it and you couldn't get the metals and seeds to create tools and crops without going through a money middleman first!. Any resistance would be met with a bunch of killers with guns or blades ready to end their lives if they didn't go along!. Eventually they forced these independent people to become a workhorse under this system which makes a few live the best life on earth!.

Religion helps some people get through this hell so at least it has that benefit but you don't really need it!.

Never was any point to life except its meaning: to live!.
What that means to you is purely personal and subjective and you have to enact what you feel living is!.

You only got a short time to do it anyway so why not have fun!? Just pleasure your senses!. Eyes, ears, skin, nose, tongue!. Sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste!.
And educate yourself (which doesn't necessarily mean college) to better obtain these pleasurable things more abundantly!.

The hardest step is getting out of the machine!. Our parents never thought things through when they had us and we ended up born in this terrible system most of us spend our whole lives trying to escape!.
Educate yourself (once again not necessarily meaning college) to figure out how to get out of the work-money-work-money deathcycle!.

There's a sliver lining!. Even in the machine there are a few glimpses of good life to partake from!. The parts of life even in the machine that are pleasurable to you take advantage of them even if it means going outside on a nice sunny day in the breeze with the trees giving shade drinking lemonade!.

John LucasWww@QuestionHome@Com