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Position:Home>Philosophy> The door to the room is closed with you on the inside...?

Question: The door to the room is closed with you on the inside!.!.!.!?
are you safe from harm!.!.!.or locked away in isolation!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
both!.!.!.isolation is a means of protection to many, i grew up in a christian society where the parents basically created a bubble of protection for their kids!.!.!.!.and it worked, however, the problem is that those kids know nothing of what is outside the bubble, so they are oblivious and naive, but they are protected, the problem is that the bubble was created by the parents so the kids obviously grow up!.!.!.and they have allot of problems when they step outside the bubble!.!.!.

That's how it usually works in christian groups!. The ones that saw the trouble of the world decided that ignorance is bliss, and they do it to their children(to protect them), then the children grow up the complete opposite, then(usually) they slowly find the balance that they were supposed to have!.

However, I'm not sure if that can be applied to the rest of the world, maybe it works the same maybe it doesn't, but i haven't got that far yet, cuz I'm still recovering from my bubble!.!.!.but either way locking yourself away, will both protect you and isolate you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends!.
Is there something outside I should fear!?
Do I have a legitimate reason to be in the room!?
Do I have the freedom to leave the room!?
Is the room a dim cell or a furnished manse!?

You have to consider cirumstances such as these!.
With the freedom to leave, I am safe!.
With no ability to do as I please, I am locked away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The door is closed - not locked - your perception is one of being locked away!
Close and locked the room when you want peace and safety - and thenuse it for parties and finally store your stuff in the room when you are at work!
Does this sound like a condo!Www@QuestionHome@Com

that depends on what is on your side of the door and what is on the other side of the door!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both, you are away from harm but also in isolation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

locked away in isolation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

locked away and alone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!. it would depend on your perception of why you are there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com