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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is god? can we see it?or feel it?

Question: What is god!? can we see it!?or feel it!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
God is Generator-Operator-Destroyer!. Yes, you can see them all!. Your parents are your Generator!. Your parents, elders in your family, your teachers and any other person from whom you learnt anything, including yourself, are your Operators!. And you are the one Destroyer, because you are also part of this society which is destroying the beauty of earth socially & environmentally and eventually destroying yourselves!.

About feeling!. Close your eyes, think & meditate, you shall feel everything & everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything you touch is it everything you feel is it!. It's the movement which stretches through and beyond existence it exists in formats you cannot interact with it is so much more than everything you are and will become!. I am deliberately vague as even with the most beautiful truth you can never gain more than a dim apprehension of the scope of it!. better understanding of it can be brought about by alluding to it - no words can ever be assumed to be reality and that truth hits home as you realise you are trying to define something which all definitions are a part of!.

The word god comes with so many pre-conceptions it's better to leave the word 'god' to the religious who have bastardised it for their own ends

If you want to say what it is - it's better just to completely start from scratch and keep it simple

I just add an O and use the word 'good' then to foster higher levels of that quality I use an evolutionary morality to make value judgements!. ( for those who don't know - an evolutionary morality is one which primarily asserts that the more evolved a thing is the better it is!. )

may your chosen method of goodness in this world guide you well!
Buff - a spiritual atheistWww@QuestionHome@Com

They say that God is love!. If this is so, then it is immaterial!. The only proof of the existence of God is belief, which is another abstraction!. If you believe, then the proof is all around you, if not, you simply won't see it!.

I remember being told by a Catholic priest that there is a Golden thread that links all beings to God!. Most of the people (an English lit class) who heard this were spitting mad at being told this a fact, but I rather liked the idea!. If you think of this link as the feeling you get when you feel something beautiful: big and expansive and linked to everything, and you can see that as God!.!.!.an interesting idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is God and if you believe you wouldn't question and if you can't see it and if you can't feel it doesn't mean its not there!. For example your brain, no one has seen it and no one has felt it so does that mean its not there!. no offence!. but is God isn't real then how do you explain you and me with how we are put together who could of created all of this

Think about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Correction to previous response:
There is NO objective evidence linked to "God's" existence!.

If you can see or feel God, something that saints and the like have professed to doing in the past, then it is probably due to drugs, starvation, extreme amounts of meditation in isolation (which leads to insanity), or in a dream!.
And that still couldn't be proven as "God"!.
You honestly couldn't even prove that it happened!. Let alone that it was a purportedly omnipotent and omnipresent being that created our entire existence!.
Nice try though!.

also: Browneyedgirl
If you have EVER been in a science class then you cannot honestly say that and believe it!.!.!.
I have been in anatomy classes and biology classes and you know what!.!.!. FUNNY THING!. ALL THE ANIMALS I DISSECTED IN THOSE CLASSES HAD BRAINS!.
AND oh yeah, IVE SEEN A HUMAN BRIAN!. So humans are not some kind of fantastic anomaly of a create too good for a brain because of "God"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"GOD" is not any thing like other things present in this universe!. on which you find two opposite qualities like 'too far & too near, biggest than anything & the smallest etc!. etc!., try to understand and imagine such awareness, you will start felling the GOD!. we can`t see it Bcoz seeing will change its definition (aalokik, which can`t be seen)Www@QuestionHome@Com

my perception of God is!. he is an omni-being!. he is the ultimate, but him being that powerful!. he is also loving!. for his love for me and you is unconditional!. we, as of now, can't see God because in his presence sin is not permitted like darkness in light!. but we can see God through people's positive actions!. and we can feel God when were are rushed with a peaceful feeling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mythological Deity known by different names like Murdoch, Annana, Raa, Zeus etc,
For the second and third part of the question the answer is no as I mentioned earlier, it is a mythological Deity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dear ravindra god is energy & He is in every where ,we can see him in our heart &can feel him whenever we think(maditation) only &only about himWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's different things to different people!.

But there is little objective evidence of god existing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

GOD - A word that cannot be defined!.

You can't see GOD!. But you can Feel GOD by channelising your good thoughts and will power in your actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is that which nothing greater can be thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com