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Position:Home>Philosophy> If something is Evil to one person and good to another, doesn't that disprov

Question: If something is Evil to one person and good to another, doesn't that disprove evil!?
Killing people over someone elses dispute is ok if its for war, but killing someone over your own personal dispute is wrong!.

To some people it is ok to have sex with 9 year old girls, and to other people it isn't!.

Important or high ranking people get little ir no punishment for a crime, where as unimortant people get serious punishments!.

to some people its not ok to kill a human fetus, but perfectly fine to send a man to death by the state!.

To some people its ok to eat a cow, but not a dog!. (vice versa)

Its ok to have a religion, but only if its a certain one!.

If a general whole of people can't come to a 100% understanding or agreement to what is right and what is wrong!. Is there actually any right or wrong behavior (evil or good)!? Or is it just the concept of "what is generally acceptable in this area of human society and what isn't accpetable!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good and Evil are relative concepts!.

Solid objects have no good or evil values by themselves!. What creates the concept of good and evil is how you use them!. A knife can cut the rope of an ensnared rabbit and, at the same time, can cut a child's throat!. Is the knife good or evil!?

At the moral level, common values, concepts and behaviors are relative, both at the individual and at the social levels!. To disprove Evil, you have to disprove good!. No "good" exists without "evil" - they co-exist because one is the innate contradiction of the other!. If evil vanishes, good vanishes too, and vise versa!.

This is in the nature of things; in the nature of this material manifestation of the originator or the creative power people call God!. Both good and evil collaborate to support this world and allow it to continue to exist!. It's more like the two ends of a magnet that each contributes to the value and the existence of the other: the negative pole would be useless and even non-existent without the positive, and vise versa!. We have adapted to this form of life and even our genes are born with it!.

However, because man is a social being (in fact all living organisms are), one cannot help interacting with others, and the friction caused by this interact by turn causes different views, concepts, visions, values, interests and the like!. That is when one needs to "tag" this as good and that as evil!. Therefore, evil is a tag, and so is good

Consequently, a state of pure good or pure evil is impossible under the current laws of physics, and, how this state looks like at “God's level”, would be a foolish question to ask, because only God has the answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are 100% correct, it is just the concept of "what is generally acceptable in this area of human society and what isn't acceptable!."Good and Evil are relative issues, Bin laden is Good in the eyes of his followers and evil to the rest of the world!. another example polygamy versus monogamy, each side has its argument for or against!.
Good and evil are yardsticks set by cultures and individuals to suit their needs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evil = something you do to someone that you know is harmful!.

If you rape little children or kill people and think that is 100% okay, then you are not "evil"

Your statement doesn't disprove evil because evil is relative, like everything else in "our world!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

different societies and cultures dictates what's good or not!.!.!. but for me, there's always the universal truth and that defines the real picture of good and evil!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just because we don't agree on the right answer doesn't mean there isn't a right answer!.

The Golden Rule will at least orient us into finding the good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no pure black or white, in this world everything is gray!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, you know understand why the world dosent make sense!.

well isnt there a voice in the back of your head telling you whats right and wrong!. Maybe that voice is just diffrent from person to person!. But the majority of the peoples voices in there head !.!.!.!. says that killing is wrong

Its just a majority decission to keep everyone in there boundary, so they almost elliminate free-will from society which in turn leads to world-communism!.!.!.!. which is what ultimately destroys us because were so arrogant and selfish of our own existance that we take almost everything for granted!.

but its not a 100% agreement!. its more of a 51%-49% agreement!. Kind of like the majority stockholder of a company decides what the company does after everyone else gets bought out or sells!.!.!.!.!.

but then again if there is no evil !.!.!. then there is no wrong!.!.!.!. so my question would be right

almost everyone that answers this question would be right then!.!.!.!.!. but since most people disagree with there answers then that says that someone HAS to be WRONG!

Therefore there most be Evil!!!!! MUHAHAHAH!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are somethings however that have always been and will always be considered evil or if not evil then at least strictly taboo-in ALL cultures and societies!.
Raping babies!.
Senseless, pointless, serial killing
Theft (so long as you're the victim it's always evil)

Humans are horrible creatures!. We lie we cheat and steal but thankfully we are slowly over coming our basic evil and beginning to abhor things like war, corruption etc!.

BUT coming back to your original question, evil is NOT soley in the eye of the beholder!. If an evil person views something as right and good when it is essentially evil that does not make it good!.
It doesn't matter what the law says about it or what people SAY about it!. What matters is what peoples conscience tells them!.
Religions all tend to come down to the same thing:
Don't lie, Don't kill, Don't cheat, Don't steal
And yet when you look at what people are doing in the name of their religion-namely killing others, stealing other peoples land, covering up for their crimems etc!.
HUMANS are doing this!. The evil power hungry crazy people!.
The Crusades were wrong, Al Qaeda are breaking practically every rule of Jihad and Islam, The Israel stealing Palestinian land is WRONG!. Most of these conflicts are attributed to religion when they are actually being done for power by power hungry maniacs who try to gain the support of the people by brainwashing them into thinking that what they are doing is the will of their respective gods!.

Evil is those people who say it's wrong to have a different religion (Jesus never forced anyone to convert, The Prophet Mohammed never threatened to kill people if they wouldn't believe in God) it's people who believe forcing people to do things will get results!.

Looking over what I have written I realise I've gone off on a bit off a rant, but I hope it's helped answer your question!. =pWww@QuestionHome@Com

It isn't as complicated as all that if one believes in Moral Absolutes!. If one prefers Moral Relativism, this is just another example of how it fails you!.

Evil is as evil does!. The intention is what matters!. If Nazis are rounding up Jews to exterminate them that is evil!. If someone kills Nazis to stop them that is opposing evil and that is good!. The act of violence is not evil!. The purpose of that violence may be!.

Killing an innocent unborn child is obviously evil!. Capital punishment applied for the most horrendous acts of evil is one of the few methods a Society has to protect the innocent!.

High ranking people escaping punishment for crimes is corruption and that is evil!. This should be opposed!. Having sex with youngsters too young to concent to such acts is evil an should also be opposed!.

Evil is always opposed by violence, if you think about it!. If you steal something you can be incarcerated or finded!. That is a form of violence!. If you do not pay your taxes you can be imprisioned or have your assets siezed!. That is an act of violence!. Even a parking ticket that compels you to pay a fine is supported with the threat of violence if you do not pay it!.

Something cannot be evil to one and good to another!. Evil is evil even if it is beneficial to another!. If people are taught that it is OK or even desireable to kill everyone else who does not accept your view they are being taught that evil is good!. That is obviously, incorrect!. Radical Islam for example, teaches that infidels must convert or die!. It claims that is what God wants them to do!. Obviously, this flies in the face of everything else God ever taught for thousands of years!. It is wrong and evil and must be opposed!.

There is no way to remain neutral!. Passivism is also evil!. One cannot stand idly by and enable evil to do its worst and not be part of the problem!. "All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing"!. Doing nothing to oppose evil is evil!.
