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Position:Home>Philosophy> In which situation you will feel as broken down?

Question: In which situation you will feel as broken down!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The situation where I find myself at my best and yet the paths ahead too narrow or blocked; in situations that I feel have no proper future occupation for my abilities, or where I feel that I am unable to reach to the fullest of my capacities, under all situations like these then I would seek to break the limitative mould of my mind, I let my mindset break a little so that I may be able to see all things afresh and see myself in new light!.

It is not uncommon in nature for things to go through processes of integration, disintegration and then integration again, it is common among non-human entities as well: organizations, communities, nations and people all go though their making and breaking changes every so often to evolve, to develop and to adapt to the demands of changing world around - this is why change is often deemed to be threatening as it demand of people and group radical shifts in their attitudes, behaviors and preferences!.

I my personal life I welcome change and try to stay proactive!. Ideally I would do things o ensure that I am in touch with the life around – I say ideally as this is as easy for me as I am making it sound!. Then this is not all about me as I often see that people take great relief and even relish in breaking completely down in the privacy of their being!. I believe we all do choose to break down more often then we might admit!. But as I said before this not quite unnatural as when we do allow ourselves to get soft and mellow we find an opportunity to come face to face with our inner being, inner truth and honesty!.

Then when mean to know the truth and need to change in accordance with our findings!. I believe it is much better I we took responsibility of self examination and catharsis of emotions by allowing ourselves to break a little every now and then, in a reasonably controlled manner of course!. This is important because if we leave such personal things pending far too long we might find ourselves in the hands of some greater adversity!. It is all about life, its process of decay and growth, its seasons and its spirit to come back even more vigorously each time it is hit so hard!. Take care!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I'm drained or when someone doesn't leave me alone (e!.g!. p'ing me off)!. I usually feel like I broken down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no situation,no man can bring me down,I choose vodkaWww@QuestionHome@Com

when to many demands are made when i'm feeling tired /not well ,it feels like the life energy is being sucked out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I am caught under a steamroller, and it has gone from my toes to my pelvis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When evil people get glory and victims remain passive about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I cannot win even when I know Im right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm inclined to agree with answerer #1!.Www@QuestionHome@Com