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Position:Home>Philosophy> What a specifically for being in our life in true exist that useful of daily act

Question: What a specifically for being in our life in true exist that useful of daily actions to guarantee prosperity !?
Commonly as a human beings must work hard to get some success but in the top desire still feel not secure, it's out of our mind normally; No body perfect!, isn't it!? Multi dimensional of generally living destroyed at all!. Looking for some thing to find happily and enjoying feeling, too empty; confuse, dizzy, making crazy!. Hopeless, no struggle, What is the goal!? My barking hard crying need some help! Discouragement, despondency like a branch's tree cripiness!. The indepth chaotic becomes a pillow to sleep well!. Impossible dream! No ones as a friend, fearly obtruding to make a nice food!. No satisfy for every thing what ever!? Bad smelt air pollution to sniff!. Decease under ground a real shadow, no future!. Let be gone be by gone!. Easy come and easy go!. Carelessly, no action talk only, emptiness!.
What a pity!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Give & give & feel rich!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We have to see things differently!. Who is really prosperous!? The one who has everything but still longs for something more, or who vaguely senses a lack of completeness!. Or is it the one who has little in the way of material possessions but wants for nothing!? Being despondent about the future can only taint the present!. What is future anyway but an endless extension and unfolding of the present!?

To look at the present as a divine Gift and opportunity - even a responsibility - allows us to see past the temporary delusions of our human state and in direct service to the divine - our true nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have no idea what you mean with your main question, it makes no sense whatsoever!.

what is "cripiness"!?

"the in depth chaotic becomes a pillow to sleep well!." that's pretty cool poetry!.

so like, did you write this in a foreign language and get it translated on some website!? because none of this means anything to me at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a person with no goals is aimless
a person with no sense of purpose in life is useless
Look into your inner self and look for what you can offer to this existence cause simply you exist!. an argument that can never be refuted!.
stop asking questions and start acting!. if you ask or answer let it be for your improvement and other people's!. your truth is but a part of a general truth and they all count!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i want to know tooWww@QuestionHome@Com