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Position:Home>Philosophy> Guys, whould you try to date with a girl who seems unapproachable?

Question: Guys, whould you try to date with a girl who seems unapproachable!?
I dont mean unapproachable as a negative thing!. I mean there are girls who seemed easy to approach, easy to talk to, simple and then there are girls who are opposite of that!. Would you actually try and date those kind of girls!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yeah, why not!? but if they keep distant from me, I would feel like they're just playing games or something!.
but I'm always up for a challenge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Yes!. I will try!. And I'll ask my friends also to try!. One of us might get the chance!. If not, she will be more proud and unapproachable!. Ultimately, she'll get nobody!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I might go for it if i found something particularly interesting about her, but if she doesn't display any interesting qualities and she has that unapproachable thing going!.!.!.then why would i bother with it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

unapproachable means ugly to me, and that means no i would not try to date her!. but if she was cute and just had angry face all day id go for that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com