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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is Negativity or nothingness infinit and this the pure infinit existance?

Question: Is Negativity or nothingness infinit and !.!.!.is this the pure infinit existance!?
1) negativity is the nothingness it is infinit and black !.!.!.!.!.!. it has the pure everlasting existance and every existance minor or large will be regarded as information and knowledge!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.is this not true that information or knowledge are eternally available before the big bang!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.is this not referring toward the Oneness which is self aware and perceive the Time!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Are nothingness or negativeness plus blackness and time !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. the perpetual qualities of the OnenessWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Negativity is limitless and infinite; it is that from which all of creation emerges and to which it returns -- for no "thing" can exist without a point of origin!.

You're onto something with the idea of the Oneness that is self-aware and perceives time (from the outside)!. However, Time can't exist in nothingness!. Instead, time is the function of self-awareness or self-knowledge, and every existence is a piece of that knowledge!. Thus, time is how self-awareness manifests!.

So I'd say the perpetual qualities of the Oneness are negativity and self-awareness!. These two are the foundation from which everything else springs!. I don't think you need "blackness" in there, as it implies a visual reality that just couldn't exist on such a level!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All that is is infinite!.

As mankind develops better tools for seeing farther or closer, we see more!. Imagine as you zoom away from earth, our solar system, our galaxy, our universe, you come to a place where all the universes on our level of existence becomes the particles of an atom which is part of a molecule, which is part of a cell which is part of an arm of a vastly large person pondering "is information a gathering done by consciousness!?" "as info gathering is understood, is that what knowledge is!?" "are there others out their that also have knowledge and consciousness !?" and so it goes from your brain synapes to your cells to your atoms to the infinitely small worlds!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Negativity is, to me, not nothingness, nor do I see them as the same ,so if the premise is incorrect there can be no true answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All is salad!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com