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Question: Egos and Humility!?
Obviously we are no strangers to seeing ego ranting maniacs brag about how they are better than other people!.!.!.I grew up in the same mind set, druggies, criminals, pornstars, all that stuff is to be considered a lower lifestyle then the ones that "we live!.!.!.

However, and here's my new theory!.!.!.i understand that we as humans can't make valid judgments on people due to the fact we'll just never understand all the factors that apply with the situation(life isn't fair)!.!.!.that took me a long time to finally understand that issue because of the complexity involved!.!.!.but when i think of it like that, it doesn't allow me to get cocky about my lifestyle!.!.!.easier said then done to live like this, but i try

However(with this mindset in mind), what do we label people who do harmful acts onto others!? is that an exception to my theory, and if so how many exceptions would my theory have!?

sorry about the length, but it's very complicated, to try and communicate this theory!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is what it is in the psychology world!. Narcissists feel like they are somehow defective or less than others, which is unbearable!. So they cover this with a false self image!. This self image requires constant maintenance lest the narcissist be reminded of his/her painful real self image!. This maintenance takes the form of bragging and constantly comparing themselves to others, checking to see if they're still on top!. To be the same as others means they are a piece of junk!. There's no such thing as same!. Only better and worse!. Being worse is unbearable so the only choice left is to be better than!.
It sound like your'e making strides out of this!. Narcissists tend to view the world as black and white, which is really a form of immature thinking!. People and things can be only good or bad, not a mixture of both!. To realize that most things are more complex that we can possibly ever wrap our limited brains around is a sign of maturity!.
Some view humility as putting oneself down!. While others view it as an honest assesment of ones abilities, their weaknesses a well as their strengths!. I tend to believe the latter!. People have the power to judge!. And this power has a place otherwise we wouldn't have it!. But like any tool or power, their are appropriate and inappropriate places to use it!. Judging who would make a good candidate for a certain job, or who would make a good friend can be useful!. We need to protect ourselves from those who would hurt us!. Judging someone as bad or should burn in hell for eternity is perhaps not so useful!. Use and misuse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The human mind is as a blank canvas!. What you choose to paint upon it is your doing!. To daub erratically creates a dark mess almost impossible to correct!.

The Ego!. You are a beautiful feisty spirited person!. Accord others to be also!. You are opinionated, always mindful of the sensitivities and opinions of others!.

You are loved, as are they about you!. You may not feel loved, may feel much unloved, similar to they about you!. How then can we harbour identity or ego if we can see the human frailty all about!. Becoming human, compassionate, emerging into the supersoul and gaining divine conscious thereby, is not a detraction or loss at all, rather a gain!. But you cannot see it, because you have not understood the concept!. Your fear losing your identity, liberty; fear imprisons you unwittingly!.

We can travel the aforementioned path, or chase the empty promise of free will, free speech and free spirited that are anything BUT free

Some can make accurate and precise judgments given next to nothing in the form of information!. Others are too biased and narrow or closed mindedness to be accorded a right to do so!.

Your Informed Decision, Choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com