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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does the government gives us our rights?

Question: Does the government gives us our rights!?
Or do they only put a name or label on our rights!. If the government didn't tell us what our rights were, would we know what are rights are!? Could you also say that the moment you designate a right and label it, then you are ultimately taking away a right as well, by governing that right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Somewhere it says we are "endowed with certain unalienable rights", which I interpret to mean our rights are natural and every human born has them!. Governments only restrict our rights, government does not because it cannot give us additional rights beyond what we already have!.
For example: if it seems that when we receive a driver's license we are given a right to drive, it in only because government has taken that right away in the first place, by passing a law saying people under the age of 16 are not allowed to drive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Women do not have constitutional Equal Rights!.

EEOC Title 7 does not take gender actions seriously and the burden is always on the woman!.!.!. It is the same old story!.!.!. same old battle for each and every single woman!.!.!. Success is seldom!.!.!.

Gender issues are serious social problems but left on the same Court level as if you wanted to sue someone because you saw them bust your windshield but the witnesses do not want to get involved!.!.!. In the civil court!.

As example, women and children are victimized by violent crimes caused from rampant unbridled pornography that the Government (FCC) does not address!.

The Government (FDA) has allowed the American female population be used as Guinea pigs with products that have not been properly tested before they were put on the market!.

Pay, health care, professional status in government jobs and the military are not equal for women!. This carries over into how women are treated in the private sector, as well as, socially!.!.!.

Because women do not have Constitutional Equal Rights!.!.!. and nothing will change for the better until they do and things can only get worse for women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The rights of the people are protected by our Constitution, not by the government!. It is up to each of us to defend those rights against the government and against individuals!. The courts are supposed to enforce those rights for the individual, and then the staes, and the last is the Federal government!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Government doesn't "give" rights!. They ration them out with unequal distribution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!. seems the govt is in the habit of taking them away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

government doesnt give rights!.!.!. it takes them awayWww@QuestionHome@Com