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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do You Believe your Good/Bad Deeds?

Question: Do You Believe your Good/Bad Deeds!?
follow you all your life making you the person you are!?

I mean if you do good, will you exhibit goodness and kindness!?

If you do bad and good how will that make you as a person!?

Just curious on your thoughts!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think the little things you do all the time turns into bigger deeds and it can change alot of things about you!. I think if you stop to help someone more you are more patient and if you like to make fun of people you can be overly-critical and always looking for the worst in people!. I think if you do both good and bad things that you learn from both and if you really think its your only choice or your scared of the outcome thAT you turn into a very good person from the way you learn and when you do things better!. I bealive you arnt born kind and i think mistakes and fears are what effects your deeds and your choices make you who you are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I do because in the end all i am is what i say, do, think and believe!. i am not my body or mind or anything else!. If i say good things, do good things, think good thing and believe good things I am good and kind!. and if i do the opposite i will be bad and selfish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, only because I feel if I do good I made my life less hated, but if I do bad I kinda was fustrated or I just wanna make a point that I dont really care about your a**!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe that any deed is objectively good or bad!. An action may be percieved as bad by a certain group of people but those that make it so!?Www@QuestionHome@Com