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Question: Can hatred keep us alife!?
I have been thinking that perhaps hatred is not that bad as it may seem; at least it keeps the mind busy!.!.!.!.i don't know,

what do you think about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hatred keep people in an unhappy state!.
Even if it keep you alive, you would prefer that you have die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

are you serious!? "hatred may not be as bad as it may seem"!? what is wrong with you!? hatred is the EPITOME of bad!. it's the most negative negative you could possibly encounter!. hatred is the root of all racism, ignorance, all the wars, all the blind religious truths, all the massacres of innocent people, all the horrible things that occur on this planet are due to human hatred!.

"at least it keeps the mind busy"!? wtf!? well so does happiness, so does altruism and kindness!. where would human beings be if we just acted out of pure hatred just because it "keeps our minds busy"!? we would've slaughtered each other until there were no more homo sapiens at all, thousands of years ago!.

but alas, extreme goodness wouldn't exist if it weren't for hatred!. one cannot exist without the other!. that's yin and yang, and that exists everywhere in nature!. but for you to say "hatred isn't as bad as it may seem" is completely ridiculous, because hatred is pure badness!. what you're trying to say is that hatred HAS to exist in order for love to exist!. one can't exist without the other to be compared to!. but that doesn't mean we should all be hateful just cuz it keeps our minds busy!. think before you type!. if you did, you wouldn't have written "i don't know" at the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hatred does not keep us alive!. it kills us!. Hatred is what causes wars, fights, grudges!. That's what starts it all!. And usually it gets so strong, that's what ends it! Wars and fights kill people, not KEEP THEM ALIVE!! It causes fights and serial killers, and everything bad in this world!. And that's phycially! It kills people's self worth and all feelings of joy and fun they may have!. After it simmers, and gets bigger and bigger, it just blows up, usually resulting in some kind of violent action! It may keep life interesting, if that's what you're saying, it keeps life from getting boring, but that doesn't mean that Hate is a good thing because of that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It could push you to do something stupid !.!.!. so no, it is worse than it seems!. Do you really want your motivation to live to be hatred!? That would be like all the bugs bunny cartoons: when the person you hate dies, you grieve the most because your life is now meaningless (bugs bunny and elmer, elmo idk)!.

good answer [[tedium]]Www@QuestionHome@Com

hatred can!.!.!.!.depends on the circumstances!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hatred poisons the soulWww@QuestionHome@Com

hatred is full of strong feelings!. Yes it keeps us alive but not for a long time, cause it drains out our energy very fast!Www@QuestionHome@Com