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Question: Suggestions for philosophy project!?
I have to do a book report on From Socrates to Sartre: The Philosophic Quest, I need some way to present the information in a 5-10 minute presentation!. I was thinking about doing a powerpoint but I'm stumped on how to organize the information because there is way too much in the book to describe in 10 minutes!. I can also do a physical model (collage, poster etc!.) Any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its not terribly easy but it is possible!. I had to write an essay about how the philosophy of Descarte, Nietzsche and Baudrillard all developed and changed over time!. If you just pick the philisophers that were most influential or had the most radical change in thinking you should be able to get the material down enough to create a well thought out presentation!.
And sometimes the visual nature of a power point can really help!. But don't really rely on it!. Granted, if you intend to use a power point make sure to take advantage of the timer function and plan out how much time to spend on each philosophy!. Teachers give higher grades to students that give presentations that are not too short, or too long!. Remember that!.
Just make sure that you find a way of connecting each philosophy you chose to highlight to the next and why that idea is important!.
And really use the PowerPoint to your advantage with the timer function and being able to add visuals and have bullet points, but don't rely on it!. (:
Hope this helps and good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

10 years isn't enough time let alone 10 minutes!. I would suggest you focus on on one aspect of philosophy eg!. religion, dualism etc!.

When it comes to presenting it, i would suggest either a timeline or a power point presentation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

2,000 years of philo in 10 minutes!? what's the point!?Www@QuestionHome@Com