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Question: Transcendentalism!.!.!.!?!!?! what!?!!?!!?
ok, im doing a paper on a transcendentalist author but i am having the hardest time understading their beliefs/philosophy!! can someone please help!? and please just put it plainly!.!.!.!.i dont need a two page answer i just wanna know the jist of it!.!.!.!.like romanticism was a facintation with love, death, exotic places, supernaturla etc!.!.!.!.and deism was God + Reason!.!.!.etc!! thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you're talking about transcendentalism in literature, it has to do with the idea that there is a spiritual world that cannot be understood with intellect!.!.!. only with intuition!. You have to FEEL it!. And because it is beyond intellect these spiritual aspects can't be described with words either, so authors made heavy use of analogy and metaphor and tried to encourage others to make their own transcendental journey!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if I'm not mistaken on the idea behind it!.!.!. Simply put, it's the mind 'transcending' beyond it's physical form!. A being who is able to reach the 'spiritual' form, removing the need for his body!. Some may believe that this is the ultimate goal of life: To experience several lifetimes working your way through the lives to better understand the spiritual workings of reality, until you are able to 'become one with God', so to speak!. At least, such is my interpretation of the ideology!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ordinary knowledge is knowledge of objects; transcendental knowledge is knowledge of how it is possible for us to experience those objects as objects!.

I guess if writing a paper you'll be on the the knowledge from outside of oneself Kantian style transcendentalism - if you are speaking of 'american trancendentalism' 'myhtical trancendentalism' or 'vedic trancendentalism' this definition won't quite cut it or is plain useless depending on which!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Transcend the "mind"!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com