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Question: Anarcha-feminism readings!?
Does anyone have suggestions for any reading on Anarcha-feminism, such as the works of Lucy Parsons!? Just links to book or whatever that I could get at a library, or links to websites with (preferably published) work on themWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't, actually, but I would hate for the only answer you get to be the jackass ahead of me!.

I just did a quick search, here are a few I came across:



That last one also has external links which look interesting and may be helpful!.

You might also want to check on Amazon!. I recall coming across an anarchist reading list a long while back, and it is possible that at least one user has set up an anarcha-feminist reading list!.

I haven't done any reading in anarcha-feminism, so I don't know much to help you, but I am sympathetic to anarchist theorists in general (not including anarcho-capitalists)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hilarious!. Sorry, I have nothing for you but my best wishes!. Anarchy and feminism!. Hilarious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com