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Position:Home>Philosophy> Absolute Nothingness is absolutely nothing as per principle it is a eternal know

Question: Absolute Nothingness is absolutely nothing as per principle it is a eternal knowledge so is this selfaware!?
Absolute nothingness is absolutely nothing!.!.!.!.!. so it is a everlasting knowledge because nothingness of eveery thing will be accpted a kind of knowledge!.!.!.!.!.!.!.is this knowledge is self aware!. This nothingness is absolutely similar to negativeness!.Both are absolute equal!.!.!.!.!.this is highly / exteremely unsolvable and unconcievable mystery to the Universe and whole creature in the cosmos or very far beyond the universe that what is the negativeness and is this selfaware knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with Yaoi Shonen-ai, very difficult to understand what you are trying to say / ask here!.
Would also be nice if you could use the spell check as spelling mistakes don't help either!.

But I believe I can answer what I think is the question!.!.!.
Absolute nothingness cannot be (or have) knowledge!. And as such, it cannot be self-aware!.
At the very basic level, thought involves the processing of information!. This information is exchanged between processing units!. The processing units can be either neurons as in our brains or electronic devices as in computers!.
Lets call the assembly of such units a "brain", even if that means a computer!.

Processing information and memmorizing information (another essential part of the process) involve some change between states!.
Absolute vacuum, or absolute nothing, only has one state: "empty"!. As such it is incapable of even the most basic information processing or storing functions!. Therefore cannot be self aware!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. "Absolute nothingness is absolutely nothing"
Epistemologically rational thought!. Good!.

2!. "so it is a everlasting knowledge because nothingness of eveery thing will be accpted a kind of knowledge"
Knowledge is knowledge; 'nothing' is 'nothing!.' Knowledge can not be of 'nothing' except as a description of the absence of a 'something!.'

3!. "this knowledge is self aware"
HOW can 'knowledge' be 'self-aware'!? YOU are self-aware!. YOU are aware OF knowldege!. Knowledge knows nothing of itself!.

I think your problem here is syntax!. When you can put your sentences together so English speakers understand them, I, or someone else, can finish answering your question!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com