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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does God learn things? If the concept of God doesn't adapt how can It possib

Question: Does God learn things!? If the concept of God doesn't adapt how can It possibly teach or judge humans!?
It's like your parents!. If your parents grew up in the 1960's, 50's , 40's or even the 30's (four drastically diffrent times of change) how can they know how to raise a child of the 1970's 80's, 90's or beyond!? They know how, because they ADAPT!.

Most parents do adapt and are successful at parenting and that is without the help of being omniscient or omnipotent!

The consept of God isn't about adapation!. If It is a not about adaptation, then how is God able to use the same old ancient rules of life on It's current flock!? Or is the concept of God, just like someone's grandfather who still thinks we should have separate dance areas for males and females on the dance floor of a prom, even though, that way of thought is completely out moded!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think most religious people think of their god as omniscient and all-knowing!. To them, a god does not need to adapt because he/she/it already knows everything is there is to know!.

Lots of the "rules" that are credited to "God" are actually rules and customs adopted by people in power to control their subjects!. What better way to gain control than to say "God said so"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Does God learn things!?
Guru or "Divine Person Of Radiant Light" learn each soul!.

If the concept of God doesn't adapt how can It possibly teach or judge humans!?
Concept of God is beyond intellectual efforts!. Conciousness is One and this is God! God never judge, and soul one day became like God!. Usually not possible God realization in one life with adaptation with any religion, philosophy, teachings and for realized this soul have 1000 reincarnations!. Through higher yoga this is open in few lifes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is Spirit, not simply an older man with a white beard, sprayed with chlorophyll, and sitting in a corner of the universe!.

Constancy and change, or sameness and adaptation, are examples of relativistic positve/negative!.

God is both constant and ever-new, i!.e!., your categorization is more anthropomorphic +/- than that which traditional theology has given!.

You might enjoy "The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis,
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, Ph!.D!., and
"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the concept of god is an ancient way of finding answers!. The laws and ways of life 2000 or 5000 or even more do not apply to the way we live today!. In my opinion God is outdated, we have evolved our intelligence way past this point and will continue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if you look back God did come to the earth to see what it was really like to live in the flesh!. Then he chose to die on the cross for our sins!. Im not saying God isnt all knowing but there are some things of interest!. Your worrying about the wrong things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only imperfect answers need to be changed!. God doesn't need to adapt or learn because God is perfect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No not really!. God is a puzzle!. the puzzle has already been made!. just try to put it back together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God knows everything that takes time for US to figure out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the fantasy we call god is supposed to be all knowing so how could an all knowing god learn what he already realizes!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We adapt to God!.!.!.He doesn't adapt to us!.!.!.He was first!.!.we are second!.!.!.He's in charge we arn't!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the idea of "god" isnt about rules governing ways to live!. its about the beauty of creation!. social morays are about adaption!. sometimes morals and ethics are about adaption, but i think "god" is something else completely!. people who look to the bible to know how to act are too afraid to be accountable for themselves (it says so in the bible)!. "god" is how amazing it is that phi describes pretty much every ratio in the universe!. "god" is how incredible it is that we can wake up every morning and be alive on this earth, which is incredibly unique in our solar system!. "god" is calculus, and infinity!. not rules!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just because things are new does not mean it is different!. It is all the same!. Maybe there are more gizmos, but people are still the same!. Nothing has changed!.

But the problem is that you are considering that God has a finite mind and can not or could not foresee what would happen and make sure that the laws He put down would still be intact!. God is not someone who tries to stay in vogue, but the world is doing exactly what He has planned for it to do!.

Do you really think that we are so much more smarter today than before!?!? Down in the land of the Inca's, there are temples to worship the stars (false gods) and the stones there are placed together with such care that even a thin piece of paper could not be fitted between them!. The largest stone there, we have no mechanism or even combination of mechanisms that could even dislodge it, much less cut it from a quarry and carry it over a swamp and put it in place!.
Even the old zigurats were so perfectly aligned that we have only now had the technologies to be able to build such things!. Even Stonehenge, the stones there were even calculated as to how much they would depress the ground so that they would be accurate with the stars!.

Do not consider yourselves more important than we really are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I, myself, have wondered if God learns from us!. I haven't ventured to propose an answer to that but I know that God gives us free-will to do as we please, whether our choices please Him or not!. Perhaps He watches while we work through it all, and maybe our point sometimes is to see if WE can teach God a lesson! I have a feeling that always backfires, though!.

From a Christian perspective, the teachings of Christ are universal and timeless, if that's what you mean by "the same old ancient rules of life"!. I'm not sure what "rules" you are speaking of as every faith or spiritual discpline may have different doctrines about how it's followers should live from day to day!. But Christ's teachings are as applicable today as they were when He walked this earth, that's why people go to church, to be reminded of those lessons and how to apply them to your daily life, as in a sermon or homily!.

I don't really see this as an adaptation situation!. God is timeless and oversees us in every age, every discovery, every way we progress as humans!. You've posed a very loaded question, but I think that God hopes we all will learn from Him before the day ends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com