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Question: Why am i sceptical!?
Is being scepticle just our way of questioning wisdom or beliefs!?

If so, having satisfied our ourselves, thus are we completely convinced!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

"In the history of philosophy—with some very rare exceptions—epistemological theories have !. !. !. taught either that knowledge is impossible (skepticism) or that it is available without effort (mysticism)!. These two positions appear to be antagonists, but are, in fact, two variants on the same theme, two sides of the same fraudulent coin: the attempt to escape the responsibility of rational cognition and the absolutism of reality—the attempt to assert the primacy of consciousness over existence !. !. !. !.

The mystic is usually an exponent of the intrinsic (revealed) school of epistemology; the skeptic is usually an advocate of epistemological subjectivism!."

Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, Ayn RandWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are many forms of scepticism, but you fail to say in what way you are sceptical!.
The strongest philosophical scepticism says that some things (or nothing) can be known by man; or that it cannot be known by some methods!.
Another forms says only the most rigorous testing can prove anything is "knowledge!."
Another form has to do with morality as personal choice rather than a set of mores, and having nothing to do with external reality!.
Another form is simple but constant questioning, such as when a child does not seem to believe the truth of what his mother has just said and keeps asking "Why!?" "But why!?"

I won't go on, but you can read all the forms here:

If you can be "satisfied," then you are not of the first sort!.
As to whether you can be completely convinced, answer this: Are you ever completely convinced!? Does any method of "proof" convince you!? If so, then scepticism is just your personal way of getting to the bottom of things; but get there you do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have good reason not to commit yourself to modern Christianity!.!.!. It comes from Paul, not Jesus Christ!.

This will explain why you have a sense NOT to commit!.!.!. and YOU ARE RIGHT!. "Gospel Enigma" is the name of the free resource!.!.!. find it here http://newfreebooks!.com 10th on the list!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do some research into where the bible came from and who put it together and you will see that your skepticism may be divinely inspired!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com