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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you ever felt like a waste of space?

Question: Have you ever felt like a waste of space!?
Thats definatly how I feel!. I'm 15 and for the past two years nothing has been happening in my life!. In the eigth grade I suddenly felt completly drained of my personality and just went through school like a zombie!. I lost a lot of "life" and a lot of myself, which in turn lost me a lot of friends and attention!. Then highschool started and nothing changed!. My life has become one continous line of nothingness!. Nothing good has happend, nothing bad, just nothing!. I dont understand why I've become so lifeless!.

On top of that, I'm the type of person who really isnt good at anything at all!. I guess I'm somewhat smart, but I'm completly talentless!. I'm bad at anything I've ever attempted to do!. I feel like I'm so useless and not really contributing to the world in any way!.

How do I get over this!? What the hell is wrong with me!? I dont want to be such a lifeless, useless shell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There's nothing wrong with you!. I sometimes feel the same way!. The other day in gym class, we were playing soccer!. I honestly felt like the entire game would've been so much better without me in it!. I mean, I even kicked the ball toward my own goal!
I guess that we both feel like nothing probably because we have nothing to look forward to!. When I was in 7th and 8th grade, I had this crush on this one guy, and he was basically the reason why I got up in the morning, went to school, and never wanted to leave school!. Well, I don't have any classes with him now, and I just feel like I'm going to school because I have to, and then I come home, do homework, sleep for a few hours (seriously, it's about 6 every night!.!.!.), and go back to school!. My life's just one continuous cycle!. Throughout the entire week, I wait for the weekends to come!.
I think that we both just need to find something to look forward to every day!. That way, we might actually feel like we're living for a reason!.!.!. :)

Good luck with whatever you do! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish in life, and get busy on it!. It was the same thing with me, so I made a list and now I'm learning French, I've learned to play the Baritone, and I'm planning on going to Paris some day!. Just make a list and get started! I was depressed for 4+ years, and I'm still getting out of it!. I see a therapist and work on my list, all the time!. Life is good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We all have a purpose, i mean, why else would be here!?
It's just a matter of finding it, learn from your experiences that way when the time comes, you'll be ready to take it on!.
The things that happen through out your life are only preparations for the climax of your life!.
You don't notice it now but when its all over you put piece by piece together and it will all make sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many people seek high drama in their life!. They soar up and crash down!. It's really not that great!. Taking it easy, the middle path, is great, no great highs or lows but simple contentment!. Work on your spirit and you will be making the world a better place!. Check out 'The Power of Now' & 'The New Earth' by Eckart Tolle!. You can download the webcasts of him and Oprah for free on iTunes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Volunteer to help someone else, perhaps kids or the poor!. Regularly, not just one time!. Don't worry that you aren't great at it, just be consistent at helping!. Your outlook will change and you will learn that even people who are 'completely talentless' can contribute great things with consistency in helping others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Insanity is never a waste of space!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, im not that fatWww@QuestionHome@Com

make a few good friends and things will changeWww@QuestionHome@Com

At 15, hormones in your body are swimming the backstroke!. No more highs, no more lows, just flatlined right!

Sometimes the lack of drama and roller coaster feelings just evens out to a flat dull feeling!. I remember doing that!. I didn't understand it and it scared me!. Had no one to talk to either!. But don't be scared!. It's just a normal little piece of time for you!. It will pass believe me!. It really, really will!. Just keep going and try not to judge it!. Just live and it will change on its own!. There's nothing wrong with you!. Keep your grades up and just go with the flow!. Your emotions will pick back up, and so will your life!. It's just a phase we all have to go through!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's NOT so much a waste of space, you haven't found your purpose in life yet and that may take some real soul searching and time!.
I believe we are all here for a reason, it's finding that reason that is the hard part and very confusing at times!.!.!.!.!.!.
Hang in there and look deep inside yourself at what makes you happy!.!.!.is it helping other people!? Is it music!?
Once you find your path and your goal things should get a little better for you!.
best of luck to you!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi!.!.!.i think everyone feels that way at some point in their lives!. Everyone has something special in them hunnie, even if they can't recognize it in themselves!. Some parts of life seem kind of pointless, kind of a transitional period!. That's how I felt as a sophomore in HS, it just seemed like a "blah" year!.
You might have a slight case of clinical depression though!. You should talk to your school guidance counselor or psychologist; or if that makes you uncomfortable set up an appointment with your doctor for a "standard checkup" and really go to get some advice!. Feel free to email me if you ever need someone to talk to!.!.!.espino2@tcnj!.edu (mention you're from yahoo so i don't delete it by mistake)!. Take care :)Www@QuestionHome@Com