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Position:Home>Philosophy> I don't know what to do ...I've been in an odd phase for a while.?

Question: I don't know what to do !.!.!.I've been in an odd phase for a while!.!?
This sounds so general, but it affects many aspects of my life!.

-I don't want my cellphone anymore; it feels like a silly attachment!. Yet I feel I'll lose touch with people if I let it go!.

-I keep up with others' pics and updates on facebook, but I never comment, and I don't put anything on mine!. I have tons of great pics of myself, but I feel immature or cocky putting them up!.

-I used to be loud and active in getting to know people--I didn't ever want to be the mousy shy one, and I always wanted to share my interests with others!. Now don't talk much or share my interests/opinions when in groups!.

-I used to place a lot of weight on being and looking unique!. Lately, although I still feel that's important, I don't pursue that goal!.

I'm not unhappy!. I just feel stuck between who I'm used to being and uncertain about what I am supposed to do!. I feel like the world is changing around me, and I see how to go with it, but I ask myself if it's valuable to do so!.

P!.S!. I love God!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i fell the same way
i am more calm, common and isolated
i think it's maturity!.!. email me if u wanna talkWww@QuestionHome@Com

I see what you are saying!.

One thing I can say is that maybe unconsciously you are in the midst of an awakening as I am right now!. I think the core of this situation is that you are beginning to be reflective and critical about the world you are living in that the "I" in you is conjuring ways to better understand the foundation of your being!.

You are starting to see the world differently mostly because of experiences in everyday life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

clearly write out what ethical things you do want, and focus your energy in those directions!. do not focus any energy on what you do not want!. if you do not know what ALL you want, just go with what you do know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you are in a dry patch!.!.!.but this is not necessarily bad, because
spring is eternal!.!.!. your interest will return!.!.!.!.perhaps in the routine becoming more creative!.!.perhaps in new discovery or
renewing lost interests!.!.this spell almost always is for the betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm in almost the same position as you right now!. In fact I just posted a question about it 15 minutes ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look, there's nothing wrong with you!. You are merely in the process of trying to find a mature identity for yourself!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are changing and growing!. It's a part of life, that everyone goes through!. I have been through it a few times, where you sit back and re-evaluate your life, your friends, your hopes and dreams and where you want your life to go!. There is nothing wrong with you, it's simply a matter of finding yourself and what makes YOU happy!.
It's a hard path and somewhat rocky road, but trust me everyone goes through it!.!.!.!.!.give it time and you will know what you want, or at the very least have a good idea of what you like and don't like!.

It doesn't sound like any kind of depression to me, but if you are having conflicts in your life it's also a good thing to talk to someone you trust about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com