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Position:Home>Philosophy> Philosophical question! confusing thoughts! Your thoughts??

Question: Philosophical question! confusing thoughts! Your thoughts!?!?
If a statement is proven to be wrong through an evidence , does it mean that "truth" is half true or it's just a wrong statement!?
an example for you to understand what I mean:
- Men are stronger and smarter than women!. (Religious belief) [one of the reasons of inequality between men and women!.!.!.used as an argument!.
==> some women are actually smarter and stronger (even physically ) than some men, they can accomplish tasks done by men!.!.!.
what do you think!?
-some women in real life are actuallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sweeping statements like your example will always provide contradictions, especially when applied to human beings!. All individuals are different!. Gentlemen do not neccessarily prefer blondes, blondes aren't less intelligent than other women, the Irish aren't all thick, etc!. etc!. Stereotyping people never works, because they reduce people to less than individuals, and these examples never stand up under scrutiny!.
I'm not certain that it's a religious belief that men are stronger or smarter than women!. I think the bible says that man was made in God's image, and therefore is assumed to be more like God or Godlike (which is another myth doesn't hold up under scrutiny!) Interesting question - have a star!

You know, I had to come back to this, as I've been thinking about it for hours now!. I think if there is an example to disprove a statement, then the statement was never true!. This is especially true of statements relating to gender!. For example, if we take the statement men are stronger than women, it is obviously not true!. A female weight lifter is obviously stronger than an eight stone man!. If we say Men are more muscley than women, she would also disprove that in the same analysis!.
I think it might be better to say that alot of men are more muscley than women!. But like you say there are always exceptions to sweeping statements, and therefore any gender comparison will throw up exceptions to the rule!. Therefore there are no truths concerning gender, only individuals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, you are certainly right about the confusing thoughts part!

I think you are asking that if a claim is disproven, is it half true or just completely false!. I am not sure how a claim can be "half true!."

To use the sexist example "Men are stronger and smarter than women":

You could take that one of two ways:

1)That all men are stronger and smarter than all women!.

2)That men in general (read most men) are stronger and smarter than women in general (most women)!.

You are right that, if the claim is taken the first way, it is easily disproven by just one counterexample, and the statement is not "half true," it is completely false!.

If taken the second way (which is being generous), it is a little more complex!. In order to help clarify things, you should recognize that it is actually two claims being made - That most men are stronger than most women; that most men are smarter than most women!. The first is likely true (for our purposes here we will just assume it is), and the second is likely not true (for our purposes we will assume it is not)!. So then you have a statement that is true and a statement that is false!. Neither is "half true!." As evidence comes to light, it will either verify or falsify the claims, but it will never make either "half true!."

You can take the claims "cows are mammals" (true) and "the moon is made of green cheese" (false) and combine them into one grammatically correct sentence, but they are still two separate claims which are either true or false, not one single claim which is half true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe presenting the entire comparison does not get to the truth of who we really are!. In that case, just throw it all out and find a new truth to explore!.

Just because you can ask a question, doesn't mean it has to have a valid answer!.

An example of a new truth might be the religious statement, "All people are created equal!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

some people just refuse to understand that women and men are equal in everything!.
God wouldn't make one stronger/smarter than the other!. just because men have some abs and muscles doesn't mean that they're necessarily stronger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Generally men are reasonable and stronger than women!. There are exceptions to this rule!.!.!. but inconsequential to the truth!.

Man is as strong and smart or intelligent as the parental nurturing and nature instilled within him!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not sure I follow!. if the statement is proven wrong, then the statement as a whole is wrong, there is no truth!.

If it is properly worded "some men are stronger!.!.!." then it can be truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Supporting evidence renders the premise invalid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com