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Position:Home>Philosophy> If ignorance is a blessing how can we attain it when we know about something?

Question: If ignorance is a blessing how can we attain it when we know about something!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't agree with the idea that "ignorance is a blessing"! how can it be a blessing if you ignore something!.!.!. I prefer to know something and be hurt rather than living in ignorance and illusion!.!.!.but if you don't want to know something just don't ask or look for it, if you know that something as you said it's no longer an ignorance!.!.it's that simple!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i suggest you try electro-shock therapy, this will surely bring you the ignorance you so seek!
but on a more serious note, it's too late!. if you know that ignorance is a blessing and you already know something about whatever it is you are talking about, then you can't obtain ignorance!. It's a one way street, once you know you can't go back!. But i'm a bit unclear about what kind of ignorance you're talking about!? What do you have to be ignorant to for it to be a blessing!? i don't mean to answer your question with questions, but!.!.!.so anyways, surely it's not possible to be ignorant about everything and know nothing, because how would you ever know you know nothing!? if you say through other people, then wouldn't that constitute as knowing something!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

How!? You can have amnesia or a comatose if you like!. In that way you can be ignorant with everything around and about you!. Ask a doctor on how you can have it!. Maybe you can make a good plan to put yourself in a car accident!.!.!. or what!.

Ok, serious now!.!.!.
When you know about something, that is when morals, maturity, values, temperament, principle, etc!., come in!. It is up to you on how you'll handle it; on how you'll use it, in good way or bad way!?; in wrong way or right way!?!. It is up to you on how you're going to act and ponder on that something that you know!. Because i don't think that can be reversed if you already know something which you wish you don't know!. If you want you may just ignore it, or pretend that you don't know anything about it!. In that way i may already call you stupid, a fool, fooling around or fooling or your own self!. Or maybe, just simply don't believe in it!. Well i think that wouldn't already be a blessing!.

Ignorance is a blessing, but when you already know about something, you cannot attain ignorance again with that something, but at least, maybe, you can still make a blessing out of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Insomnia after a major trauma can be a blessing (all of mankind seems to have been through a trauma) until one is ready to handle the truth!. But, with greater awareness not only is the truth not so bad, but vital to our greater happiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ignorance of the worlds suffering, famine, disease, poverty, helplessness, war and hatefulness is a blessing!.!.!.

Innocence is Bliss!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't know everything so, there are somethings that you are ignorant about!. Which is probably a blessing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, you could start by not asking any more questions on this forum!. Or you could continue to ask silly questions!. Your choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vodka, and lots of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com