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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you think the results of your actions are determined?

Question: How do you think the results of your actions are determined!?
also consider this:

'If I do justice to myself, the results will take care of themselves' - snooker ace Ronnie O'Sullivan

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the results of my actions are determined, i suspect, by the integrity of the impulse which engenders the action!. but i wonder how many factors come into play to determine the level of integrity!?

the "if" in that sentence means that the results do not really take care of themselves!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

On a 20-sided die and then matched up against the chart on page 54 in the handbook of life!.

You don't even see ALL the results of your actions!. Every decision you make effects people you will never even know!.

Follow the laws!!! If you cannot follow the laws where you live, move to a different country where they have laws that you CAN follow!. Laws are there to allow us to all live together in peace and prosperity as far as possible!. They are made for the greater good of the community, not just to serve the selfish desires of individuals!.

Never hurt anyone in anyway on purpose, except to physically survive!. Walk away if you can!. Take care of the needs of yourself and your family first (needs, not necessarily wants), then if you have something left (time, energy, money, possessions, et cetera), use it to help-out people who are really trying to help themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Speculation on causality is, of itself, self-determination!. There are specific categories, but they all lead to one place, the fact of death!. There is no contrivance that removes the sentient human being from this fact!.

There are still fools who busy themselves with attempts to capture the determinant, only to find that they have been determined by narrow specialization!. In the political-theological sphere paralysis occurs without an opponent!. Game theory falls through this trap door also, fascinated by the win/lose outcome of the right/wrong decision, oblivious of accident!.

It's a mystery to me why so many persons who are successful in a field, be it sports, business, academia, even the fine arts, overlook what the uncelebrated and obscure amongst us are acutely aware of - the impersonal umbra cast over all human activity!. What a person decides to forget masters that person!. Parmenides' fragments warn us; the plays of Sophocles and Euripides show us!. And yet it is rare and unseen, that which asks us to listen and watch and give thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good evening,

The way you express your question makes me think about what is called a "process"!.
This one implies a reflexion about causality and what it is!.

A confusion between your own expression and your quotation has not te be created!.
Your quotation only says that the basis of reflexion or action is to be rigorous, and perceptive about the motivations of them!. It means that the necessary exam of development of the fundations is positive and exclude all futile wanderings!.

It doesn't mean that the invers is correct!.
A simple sentence : a detemination is a process based on one unical element!. If there are different elements, it would say that we are master of all, and of all persons !? Are we so powerfull !?
Do we live, and do we act through others' determinations !? Are we determined to recognize their own determinations !?

What you call determination is, more or less, will!. But will, has to be free!.
Don't you think that each second let us free to choice the good part and the evil one !?

Let's see the "Ethics", by SPinoza about causality!. This is very interesting and linked to what you're referencing!.


All actions lead to consequences!. You weigh up the odds, which consequence seems most likely if you do A!? Which if you do B!? What consequence would you like to occur!? Which course of action is most likely to lead to that outcome!?

Results don't take care of themselves!.!.!.!. results are a consequence of your thoughts, deeds, actions and behaviour!.!.!. along with a smidgen of "luck"!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The results of my actions are generally random and cannot be predicted beyond a general pattern drawn up as a result of previous observation!. Good does not necessarily beget good, and selfish, immoral or amoral deeds do not necessarily have negative consequences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The results of our actions are determined by the choices we make!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

by the quality of my intention!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Unity in D!.

Good intentions produce good Karma!.


I would say, by the reactions of others towards my actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com