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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is a perfect god ?

Question: What is a perfect god !?
would a perfect god have a son !?
would a perfect god have a partner!?
would god have sex!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
who doesnt need anything !.who sat everything for the wisest purpose!.!.whos doesnt give birth and doesnt look like anything who is one and created every thing and has the ultimate controle !.!.and whom we shall obey and who !.!.!. a god is perfect the god is one!.!.god is perfect without wondering about perfection!.!. u cant ask is there a perfect god !.!. coz there is only one and is perfect !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The answer would depend upon your priorities and definition of the word perfect!. Suppose that God is perfect!. Further suppose that you do not like what God wants or expects of you!. Then you do not believe that God is perfect if your definition of perfection includes your acceptance of God's will!.

A perfect God is complete without any need of anything outside himself!. Nothing is missing or needs to be added now or in the past or in the future!. A perfect God is error-proof!. Put another way, a perfect God CANNOT make a mistake!. A perfect God is eternal and knows absolutely everything!. Since sex as most people understand it relates to reproduction, a perfect God would not have sex!.!.!.no need for reproduction!. A perfect God can have a perfect Son!.!.!.!.not related to procreation!. A perfect God does not need but can have a partner!. A perfect God can enjoy fellowship with his creation!. A perfect God is holy and separate from that which is unholy!. A perfect God is capable of both absolute and unconditional love and forgiveness!. A perfect God absolutely hates sin!. A perfect God does not need his creation's approval or acceptance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's NO such thing as Perfect, All you can do is get as close to perfection as you think you can get to!.!.!.

But other wise, I would say that a perfect god, is one that, if it was possible to be able to try and Please all that he / she could, in any / every way possible, (even though I know that no one can Please any one all, well most of the time)!. He I think would need a messenger to pass on his wisdom / his message!.
As for a partner, I would have to say, that, I don't actually think he / she, (God), would need one, but if he / she, (God), wanted on, he / she could choose anyone he / she wanted!. and would have no need for sex, as he / she could get pleasure in as many different way that he / she wanted, (Like create all good and nice things)!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is not like human beings and he is NOT a human being!! He doesn't have a family! He is alone and separate! We are his servants, not a part of his family or a part of him! and he doesnt have or doesnt do the stuff stated in your question! no one WAS and no one CAN be like him!! SO he is apart from EVERYTHING living things do!Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is perfect, and doesnt have a son, God doesnt have a partner, he is alone and does things himself and we are his servents, god is a creature not a human beings, no one can really answer this, Allah is the only oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

A perfect God would have no reason to create anything!. A perfect God would be complete and perfectly adequate in and of itself!. Such a God is impossible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

both "god" and "perfect" are human creations, hence entirely subjective!. There is no one answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is YHWH, who has a son!.
He is married to the nation of Yisrael (Israel)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Perfect God is the Alpha and Omega! No questions asked!Www@QuestionHome@Com