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Question: Agree or Disagree best response gets best answer!?
Do u agree or disagree with this paragraph regarding wealth,
''Satisfied Mind''

This song by Johny Cash has alot of meaning to it!. ''Money can't buy back, your
youth when you're old, or a friend when you're lonely, or a love that's grown cold'' Its
talking about how people look at rich people thinking, "if i had that money, I would be
happy" but it shows that happiness doesnt come from the money and he learned his
lesson and he is much happier with the knowledge than he ever was with the money!.
The song explains someone who see's people striving for money and fame, but who
realizes that its unimportant and it cant buy you happiness!. A poor man who has had a
long life and enjoyed it at its most basic is happier than a rich man who has spent his
whole life working and missed out on a lot!. Its a song about how money only makes
things worse and it wont solve all of your problems!. It's about spending a life to learn
a lesson that personal happiness and satisfaction is often misunderstood for fortune
and fame!. As all of Cash's songs it was a personal reflection of a life often riddled with
personal misfortune and brief glances of ultimate successes!. When you depend on money
you think you are satisfied when your not!. When you work and try for you money you
truly are satisfied!. Money is never as important as peace of mind!. It does not solve life's
problems or guarantee success!. Wealth does not create happiness!. Enjoy your time on
this earth, cause it will come to an end someday, and that is all you can be sure of!.
Money can't buy happiness period!. Your happiness doesn't rely on how wealthy you
are!. It is about loving your family, that there more important than money and you should
spend as much time with them as you can before you die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm going to miss your standard and neither agree nor disagree!.

It is true that many people who have too much money are insecure and unhappy!. Often that's what drives them to their wealth!. Trump's autobiography contains his admission that he feels he must have billions of dollars and a beautiful model on his arm because otherwise he'd feel worthless (that was a few years back; age I think has had its mellowing effect on the Donald)!.

But a lack of money can itself be a source of misery!. I think it was Tennyson who said "Annual income 20 pounds, annual expenditure 19 pounds, result happiness!. Annual income 20 pounds, annual expenditure 20 pounds six, result misery!."

The real formula for happiness, if I follow the experts, is this:

1) Maslow's hierarchy of needs!. You must meet your physical and social and emotional needs before you can attain high levels of self-actualization!.

2) Csikszentmialyi's "Flow": your self-actualization comes when you've found something challenging that you enjoy doing, and you push yourself to get to be as good at it as you can!.

So money isn't the source of happiness, but it's a necessary pre-condition to provide you with a basic level of needs!. Then you can get to happiness by striving to do rewarding, challenging things!.

My current happiness is answering a lot of Yahoo! :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree 100%!. Having been very poor (American Standards) for the first 1/2 of my life and "comfortable" the 2nd half (so far) I can say for sure that while money does provide a certain confidence, it certainly can never buy happiness!. I mean there really can't be a price on that can there!?

I've always liked the quote "This day is worth more than money to me, I have paid a day of my life for it"


almost everything is about wealth
that's annoyingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it does!. almost every line has the word "wealth in it"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love it!!.!.!.!.ty
My uncle sais One day to me this!.!.!.!.!."!.Lead a simple yet satisfying life!. Posses no more that what is needed, after all, You can't take any of it with you when you leave this life!. " and then he'd look me right in the eye!.!.!.!.!.!.stone serious look in he's eyes and he'd say!.!.!.!.I ain't never seen a Hurse with a U-Haul pullen' behind it"

We'd both roared with laughter and continued to enjoy each others company sitting by the Fire!.

Now as an Adult myself!.!.!.I say!.!.!.Be rich in things that no money can buy!.

Peace and Love to all