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Position:Home>Philosophy> Previously visited on Earth?

Question: Previously visited on Earth!?
Would it be possible for one of the civilizations long time ago to have been visited by some other species of life that we don't know of!? Would we have clues or anything or is there no way to know!? Have all the glyphs/ancient writing been discovered!? Or are there some still unknown and what if somewhere it says something about that!? What if one person had known things nobody else knew about because of something like this such as Leonardo Da Vinci!? He invented helicopters long ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I doubt it!. People tend to think of aliens as being some form of bag of meat that flies around in a spacecraft exploring and abducting people like humans would!. This appeals to people and makes good science fiction because people can relate to it, it doesn't make it likely though!.

Here's some of the reasons I don't believe aliens have visited earth-

1) Selling books about alien conspiracy theories is worth a lot of money, so authors are a *lot* more likely to make stuff up to make money than it be the truth!. Look at the whole alien tourism industry, this was caused by spy planes in the cold war but it didn't stop thousands of people cashing in on it!.

2) Every day our observation technologies get more advanced, so any species that can travel the stars probably has sensors that can catalogue all life on earth without coming within a billion miles of this place!.

3) Given the speed of light, the supposed scarcity of life, the time taken for life to evolve, and the fact that we've only been transmitting artificial signals into space (TV, radio) for a hundred years or so, it's unlikely that anyone farther than a hundred light years away even knows there is anything interesting here!. If they could travel at half the speed of light, they'd have to be less than 35 light years away to have been capable of visiting this planet!.

4) Life has been around on this planet for about four billion years, humans who can read and write have been around for less than 10,000 years!. If aliens visited here (and I don't believe they have) then the chance of them coming here during recent history rather than before it is around 400,000 to 1!.

5) Futurists believe in a technological singularity in the near future, causing intelligence millions of times more powerful than humans today!. If this also applies elsewhere in the universe, we would be like amoeba in comparison to a post singularity civilisation!. We simply wouldn't be interesting, to them we would be nothing more than animals who use tools!.

6) If the rules of fighting for resources apply in the galaxy like they do on earth, any aliens who discovered us would be better off bursting this little planet like an egg rather than fight us in the next ten thousand years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jesus said "In my father's house there are many mansions!." I have always found it incredible that anyone can look at the vastness of the universe, and believe we are all there is!. So no, I can't prove it, but certainly believe it's possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not very likely!. These speculations are fantasy or science fiction!. No signs or glyphs exist which cannot be accounted for by human activity!.
also, if aliens visited ages ago why haven't they returned!?Www@QuestionHome@Com