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Position:Home>Philosophy> The "suspension of disbelief" is required in order to accept any theor

Question: The "suspension of disbelief" is required in order to accept any theory or any work of fiction!. What part of
your beliefs must you suspend to accept the doubt Plato introduces into his allegory of "The Cave"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I had to understand why Plato didn't take into account that when a person loses one sense (like a blind person) his other senses become more accute; so why didn't the prisoners' senses become more accute!? In other words, why couldn't they figure out that the images on the wall were coming from what was behind them!? After all, the voices were not coming from the wall!.

And the escapee who comes back cannot convince the others he is right!? He's SEEN the outside!. After all those years, didn't the prisoners wonder what was out there!? The escapee himself could hardly believe what he had seen, but when he went back into the cave, or when he escaped, he ought to have been able to see that the shadows on the wall were moving in accordance with other people who were just like himself and the prisoners!.

It's been a while since I've read it!. But I couldn't believe at the time that anyone could find anything in it that was believable so far as the nature of "doubt" was concerned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An open mind is not necessarily suspension of disbelief!. It is more like the key to finding truth!.

One need only apply logic to the ideas that consensus reality provides us to accept the doubt that Plato introduces in the allegory of the cave!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com