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Position:Home>Philosophy> What life advice would you give to someone in their twenties?

Question: What life advice would you give to someone in their twenties!?
What life advice would you give to people in their twenties!? Is there anything that you would like to pass on!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
obey laws!.
buy term life insurance!.
buy GOOD nursing home insurance, one that will pay for everything and does not require a lifetime of premiums!.
learn to control your thoughts, feelings, and actions toward ethical goals drawn from ethical motives!.
dress smartly!.
learn to truly listen!.
go to college and to grad school, for something that will lead to real work with real pay!.
drive safely!.
develop only good habits!.
do not waste money!. spend it on things that lead to more money, directly or indirectly!.
save for vacations!.
do not fill vacations with so many things to do that you will not get the recuperation you need!.!.
find a good mate and keep him/her!.
organize your life!.
if you do something illegal, do not do something else illegal at the same time!.
be open to new ideas!.
test new ideas against what you already know!. if it can fit, work it in!. if it does not, determine if you want the idea, and if you do then change your existing belief system to accommodate it!.
do not quit a job until you have another one!.
do not "use" people!.
make friends with your neighbors!.
seek to improve yourself through life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is the hardest thing for someone in their twenties to understand- plan a little bit for your future-in your age group they tend to see their future as this afternoon or tomorrow!. For the first time the generation coming up will have it harder than their parents did!. You are going to have to plan for your own retirement, because the social security wont be there when you are old enough to draw it!.
This generation coming up should get heavily involved in politics for the express purpose of changing it to meet the needs of the people instead of the special interest groups that represent the giant transnational corporations!. This will be the single most important thing the young people can do!.There has to be a total change in the way we do politics in this country!. Learn about the rest of the world-people don't realize that we rank last or next to last in everything that matters!. If we keep doing the same thing we will get the same results We have to improve, or we wont last as a nation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well in your twenties you understand where people come from alot more when they give you good structured opinions and my advice is quit holding off today and do something to better your self, try to love and understand people rather than pushing them aside!. Make a good career for your self, buy yourself something nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get as much out of learning as you can!. Love the academia!. Learn as much as you can!. Live life to the fullest!. love like there is no tomorrow!. The pain will come soon enough!. It is nice not to have the responsibilities for a bit longer!.

Love your family!. Treasure them!. Learn from them!. Make them remember how you love them, esp your parents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At twenties, they should be on the go, building foundation for their future, being excited about life, being adventurous, having nothing to stand in their way, gaining knowledge, gaining experience, have the love to know more about the world!. They are young, energetic, have the energyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Assuming that you someday choose to have children, bear in mind that no matter how financially wealthy you become you can never buy back a single moment that you missed with them!. This doesn't mean that the woman should stay and the man should work, rather I recommend building a relationship and a career that will allow both the man and the woman to keep their careers and be directly involved in raising the children!. This is by no means easy, but I highly recommend it!.

With the above in mind, my wife and I went part time in 1981 when our first child was born!. We alternated days at work, so one of us was always home with the kids!. The only time they were in childcare was when I volunteered for the Gulf War!.

Our oldest is now 20 and we expected to be full time about 10 years ago!. However, the management that approved us going part time was not the same management we spent most of our careers under!. About a year my wife was allowed to return to full time status on a temporary basis, and I was offered the same about 6 months ago!. We still don't know how long this will last!. This has posed considerable strain upon my family, but all of our children still talk to us!.

You will undoubtedly experience sexual discrimination over the course of your lifetime!. However, based upon our experience I've come to believe that sexual discrimination has virtually nothing to do with gender!. Rather, it stems from the resentment, and even hatred, some people feel towards those who spend time with their family, versus dedicating their lives to their jobs!.

The flip side to working only part time all this time is that both of us are much healthier than our colleagues, and we don't have any plans to retire!. In reality, we are getting stronger as we get older, versus longing to retire and "do all the things I want to do!." We've done them as we've lived, versus waiting for some mythical time when everything will be fine!. In addition to working, I've had time to become a fiction writer, a playwright and a community theater actor!.

In addition to this, my wife and I took up belly dancing a few years ago, and I'm now more flexible than I was in my twenties!. Belly is Egyptian for tribal and men commonly belly dance throughout the Middle East!. I have no idea what we'll be getting into next!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Always be equitable and of sound judgement in all situations!.
Never allow anger to make you forget merits,nor let affection and pleasure blind you to defects!.
Fulfill your promises and agreements!.
Give relief to the ill-fated,even if it is only kind word of sympathy!.
Be active,energetic!.!.!.attach importance to physical fitness!.
Avoid unlawful means of livelihood,regardless of quick profit!.
Always find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want!.
Under any circumstance,simply do your best but remember your best is going to change from moment to moment!.
Alway and forever,avoid self-judgement,self-abuse and regret!
Live your beautiful destiny with all action performed with love!.!.!.your destiny is the fruit of your actions!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Improvisation!. You don't know who you are, and don't kill yourself over trying to figure it out!.

Just take it one step at a time, don't look forward!. And never look back!. And when you think about situations, think!. What will I think about this tomorrow, next week, a year from now!.

And with relationships, and your know sure how you might feel after a break up, or deciding whether or not to break up think, "If I see this person in a Grocery store, in ten years!. With his/her children, What will go through my mind!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

However bad things get or however wonderful they may seem, enjoy it to the utmost; chances are the high points will never again seem quite as high, nor the low points quite as deep!. There's a wonderful thing about getting off the roller coaster, but you have to make sure you enjoy the ride while you're on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Work hard, save a little, have a plan and stick to it!. Life can be good if you let it be!. Most of the time we get in the way of the goodness so get out of the way!. Learn to play sometimes!. Don't take life so seriously, laugh a lot and drink some wine!.
Most of what you worry about never comes about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A few kind thoughts, a few good deeds!.

Beleive it or not, good manners will get you everywhere!.That advice was given to me years ago and you would be surprised how being considerate to others opens up many doors and great opportunities will follow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Listen, take the time to really hear what is being said to you!.
Don't assume that you know everything, even though it feels like you do!. Have fun, but don't have so much that you will be ruing it in your 30's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Smile, presson with assurance that things will change and you can change with them, make a difference in your life and you will in others, hey, ALL the tomorrows are yours, use them wisely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES!.!.!.!. I have advice!. My advice is to take every one of those credit card offers and immediately shred them (along with any cards you currently own)!. Credit cards are EVIL and will only make the rest of your life a prison!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are a person who is incredibly concerned with what other people think of you, the sooner you get over that the happier you will be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nothing that can be summed up in a text box!.

only things i would suggest for your twenties is live!. learn from your mistakes and others!. and remember them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my advice would be to keep your credit good without good credit its hard to even rent or buy a house,or anything these days, also save save save ,times are only going to get harder!.and dont live beyond your means!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take suggestions, ideas, oppinions etc!. and decide yourself what's good for you!. Don't follow advices because of authority or competence or age of those who give them - they are not you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Question EVERYTHING!. Accept nothing at face value!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Live your life, live your dreams and cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you follow my advice you will end up in the same place everyone else did that followed my advice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't trust people with things that matter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Make plans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

~Don't leave your 20's!.!.!.ever!.!.!.stay young for the next 60 yrs or so!.!.!.well, since that's not physically possible, then do the next best thing!.!.!.stay young at heart!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, don't ruin your credit!. it will be very useful later onWww@QuestionHome@Com