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Position:Home>Philosophy> If we made robotic humans, would we even have to fight in this war?

Question: If we made robotic humans, would we even have to fight in this war!?
I think it would be alot safer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We would actually have to work MORE at it, not less!. The building, maintenance, and operation of said robots would be a time consuming, harsh, and ultimately futile endeavor!.

It would also, assuming that these robots make effective soldiers in the slightest, make our human soldiers obsolete and would put many people out of work!.

Another thing is that no one is going to submit (neither the "bad side" or the "good side") because the only thing being lost is millions of dollars worth of replaceable machinery!. It's the loss of human life and the destruction of property that makes war so powerful!. If it's reduced to property damage alone it will lose a big part of its meaning (though I'm sure there would be some casualties due to the destruction)!.

There is also the problem of programming!. Programming, like people in general, is not perfect!. There is always something to be optimized or changed because there is always something to be found wrong with it!. It could be as simple as making the robot not stomp its left foot hard onto the ground every time it steps, but even that process would require a lot of code!.

In summary: I don't think it would be a good, or even safe idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Safer but ineffective!. War is not a shoot-em-up video game, but a political activity!. That's even more true of counter-insurgency operations than of classic maneuver warfare!. Active patrols are needed to limit casualties (counter-intuitive but true), but building things rather than blowing them up is the important thrust in moving towards strategic goals!. You have to mold your tactics to fit your strategy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

War is mother natures way of controlling a population explosion!. How evil would you be to unleash killing machines on the world to save your own neck!. Machines fighting machines would be wasting money, resources, and property even more than we do now, to the end result of not resolving the conflict!. People fight wars because of conflict, a battle of bots wont resolve conflict!. It would be more effective to invite the conflicting countries to a game show, the ultimate "Deal or no deal"Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think you are stupid!. we would need to train the whole army with these robots so they could each run one and it would be worse than being over seas it would consume their life

if i made a robotic you and told you you had to sit down at a control room all day and control the thing what would you say

plus it would cost too much moneyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no we wouldnt these troops over in iraq would be home by nowWww@QuestionHome@Com