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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are women especially feminists so often against each other?

Question: Why are women especially feminists so often against each other!?
Women are often judgmental of one another!. I read somewhere that some women were against the vote, they thought it was wrong!. also when women started to work, other women were against them too for working!.

It often seems that women are against each other like the mommy wars (stay at home vs!. working mom)!. Why don't we support each other more!?

I sorta blame feminism, I think it brought some good things like the right for women to vote, but some ugly things too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Whenever you have social movements, such as feminism and Marxism, you will have different schools of thought that can be quite nasty as they contend with one another!.

This also happens in religion a lot, where it often leads to open warfare, as in the wars between Protestants and Catholics in Europe and the contemporary religious wars in India and the Middle East!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's got to do with the what people think it means to be female in society, I think, arguably, it's a lot less defined than male roles!.

But the same thing was seen in men when it came for women getting the vote etc, it's not a female thing, and just because it was so women could vote doesn't mean that the sex will be unanimous for change!.

I don't think these arguments are just among women, they're about women but that doesn't mean there is one right and one wrong answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are two major different kinds of feminisms!. One is called "movement feminism," which fought for basic rights - rights in the workplace, the right to vote, the right for control over their reproductive systems, et cetera!.

But once the sixties hit, this overarching feminism shattered into about a dozen different pieces!. Feminists started fisrt identifying themselves according to their ethnic identity (black feminist, Chicano feminist), or like or dislike of Marx (economic feminists), et cetera!. This separation is what caused a lot of the disagreements that you're talking about!.


Because some women have the mentality of saying: We are this, we are not men, we have to stick to the status quo!. It's all about education, it doesn't matter the gender, you'll do and support what you believe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are some very confused people around, aren't there!. When there are children it's best for mom to be at home!. With no kids, it's up to them!. Each should be allowed to choose for themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because women are "catty"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com