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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is language the adequate expression of all realities?

Question: Is language the adequate expression of all realities!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I doubt it

Can't answer with any certainty b/c what the heck do I know about "all realities"!? Answer: not much!.

I choose to believe in the existence of others, and that means that there will be realities I don't have access to!.

But even insofar as my own reality goes, I don't have language capable of expressing all of it!. That doesn't mean that there doesn't exist some language (which I may or may not have access to) which could, possibly, fully express my reality!.

I just kinda doubt it!.

It's like Hume or Heisenberg or Godel!. I figure there are going to be some things it will be insurmountably difficult to i) demonstrate logically, ii) make decisions about or iii) express!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Everyone experiences life ('reality') internally-so everyone's thoughts and perceptions are quite different!.

Possibly internal language is 'adequate'!.!.!.but by no means complete nor comprehensive!.

also, how you define 'language' and 'reality!.!.!.ALL realities', nonetheless, matter to a great extent in this question!. It really is thought provoking to say the least!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some linguists believe that language, at any given point in time, is a closed a structure of interdependent relationships!. It really isn't a tightly closed structure, however!. For as languages change, they produce new families of languages!.

Still, some of these people maintain that we really don't speak languages but that languages speak themselves through us!.

Wittgenstein believed that language usage can be considered a collection of games!. Casual conversation, for example, is one game!. Writing press releases, advertisements, novels, and poetry are examples of other kinds of games!.

He concluded that there are many things that we cannot express through language and that when we try to do so (as in the case of metaphysical discourse in philosophy) we are only coming up with nonsense!.

Academic linguists admire the expressive possibilities in languages and the ways they can be adapted to express themselves coherently in new domains of discourse!. (One example would be the adaptation of Japanese, a non-Indo-European language, to talk about things like physics, chemistry, and robotics!.)

They would probably agree that language will not allow us to talk about certain things!.!. But since we largely think in language, there is no way we can imagine what these things could be!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. We can not conclusively say that we are aware of all realities, nor that we can adequately interpret the ones we already see!. Language is a tool to express what we understand!. Even at that we too often fall lamentably short!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All realities!? There is only one!. It includes everything that is real!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only if everyone new the full meaning of every word in the dictionaryWww@QuestionHome@Com

You best be trolling, anon!.

And no!.

also, cocks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

reality is human subjectivity so yesWww@QuestionHome@Com


some things cannot be said through wordsWww@QuestionHome@Com