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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think there is such a thing as free will?

Question: Do you think there is such a thing as free will!?
If you think about it human beings are very predictable, you almost always see a correlation between one's upbringing , early environment etc (circumstances over which they have no control) and who they eventually become!. I'm always reminded of The Matrix when this topic comes up where the oracle says to Neo that he is not there to make the choice only understand why it was made!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is no room for free will in causal universe!. Causation doesn't pause to ask us what we think!. But since we are not capable of understanding causation in its full complexity, we use the idea of free will as a mental shortcut!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was just talking about this over dinner with my fiance!. The way in which we act now could be completely different if we were raised under different circumstances, religions, philosophies, etc!. One way I was thinking about it was that everything has a cause!. Everything I can think of (which isn't much I admit lol) was caused by something!. If my action today was caused by conditioning or whatever then perhaps in the way we think about it we don't really have free will!.

It's the quest for the answer that's fun and I guess we'll have to settle for that for now :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree that one's envoriment and upbringing play a role in one's future, but it only sets the stage!. Oppertunities are given, but what you do with them is your choice, not your fate!. We have the power to do and be whatever we choose!. Some people have the mentality that they are "stuck" in a certian lifestyle because of where they're from or because of how they were raised, but that's simply not the case!. Everyone is offered the same basic, free education!. If you can't afford college, make good grades and get a scholarship, or get one playing a sport or instrument!. Get a grant!. You have the power to be anything you want to be, No matter what your circumstances!. I quit school!. Had 2 kids, then a divorce!. I was a single mom, with a dead end job and no education!. It cost me $55 dollars to get my GED!. I then went on to persue starting my own business!. I am now still a single mom, but am buying a home, a new vehicle, and my kids want for nothing!. If you have determination and ambition, you can overcome any sitiuation, regardless of where you've come from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As I view it we have the ability to make choices based off of a multitude of criteria, however the final decision still rests within ourselves!.
That being said, our upbringing and past decisions will have an impact on the way we make our choices now and in the future!.
also the fact that we as a species resulted from a random act allows us to go against our upbringing and past decisions!.
All told the general statement of Free Will becomes more an act of random choice from a given list of choices rather than a cognitive decision to do something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Now this is deep!. My opinion is yes; there is free will!.

I agree with you that our past largely preconditioned us towards certain predictable patterns of choice and behavior!. But I still think if we are strong enough, not emotional, using logic and reasoning more, and honestly trying to better ourselves with better decisions, then we will exercise free will and break new grounds if necessary!.

I loved your quote on Oracle's remark!. I did tinker about that statement of hers, too!. The Matrix movies were loaded with philosophical thoughts, weren't they!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes!. we are molded by environment and the things that happen around us but those things, in one way or another, were but results of our own will!. but i also believe that things happen as they should and whatever choice we make will fall into place!. it's like we're free to do as we want, and what we want always fit the plan!.!.we get what we deserve!. and what we deserve is determined by the choices we make with our free will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

geez, this question gets asked here so much!. you can find a lot of answers to it in the archives here!.

as always say, I have never had any debt of any kind for using my will power!. the only debt comes from my specific uses of it, or what I use it for!. but the use of it in itself is free!. free will!. how else could we have choices in a cause and effect world!? simple!. not much to discuss!. it's an endless argument only because it is not understood!. the wrong idea of it has blown around for toooooooo long!. yada yada yadaWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes, there is such thing as free will

think of anything you do like!.!.!.!.!. leisure activities!.
playing sports, playing cards, any games really!. hanging out with friends, traveling!.!.!. blah blah blah people have their own hobbies and their on things they like to do!.

there HAS TO be free will to let us choose what we like/enjoyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Most times major events in life are predetermined, no matter how you try to change them , a similar event will take place!. Sometimes you are given a choice, to grow and to learn, to advance in the spiritual realm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, because we do all of the things that we do strictly because we want to!. You can't logically decide a want!. And if you want to do something, then you'll inevitably do it!. Free will is an illusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm thinking about!. that's my choice, to think!. i'm exercising my free will!. i can do what i want, when i want, and how i want!. within reason of course!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To quote Robert Heinlein: "Free will is the golden thread running through the frozen matrix of fixed events!."Www@QuestionHome@Com