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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you know why are the philosophers mostly come from Russian or German people ?

Question: Do you know why are the philosophers mostly come from Russian or German people !?
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Granted, some of the greatest philosophers are German (Kant, Hegel,Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger!.!.!.) but many are English Speaking (Locke, Hume, Hobbes, Russell) French speaking (Descartes, Rousseau, Comte, Sartre!.!.!.)!. Among the Russian philosophers I am only familiar with Berdiaev and Rozanov: I don't think anybody wrote anything worthwhile in Russia under the communist regime maybe I am wrong but they certainly are not great by any mean!.!.!.AnushaWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have no idea why you imagine that most philosophers are Russian or German!. There are certainly a lot of Germans, but there are also a lot of Scots!. I think perhaps you have perhaps been exposed mostly to Russian and German Philosophers!.

Don't forget: Karl Marx wasn't a Russian and Friedrich Engels wasn't a German - or a Russian!.

Just a short list of Scottish Philosophers:
David Hume
Adam Smith
Robert Adamson
Alexander Campbell Fraser
Thomas Brown
Thomas Davidson
Alexander Crombie
John Campbell
Alasdair MacIntyreWww@QuestionHome@Com

As a Hindu I might resent the fact that our philosophies (notice the plural) are ignored by Westerners…but I am used to it!. And what about the Greeks and the Chinese !? surely you do not think Confucius or Plato or Aristotle were German or Russian !? If you care about the history of philosophy why not have a look at http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Hindu_philo!.!.!.
You might be surprised by Hindu SIX schools of philosophy!. Lalita!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think people are answering without even knowing what philosophy is!. We all are philosophers to a certain extent as long as we have minds!. Philosophy was not "invented"! The word "philosophy" perhaps was but not the actual process of philosophizing!.

So to answer your question, most philosophers come from all corners of the earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because you are not familiar with the great Arab philosophers!. Nor the Persians!. Nor the Eastern!. And you seem to have forgotten the Greeks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well for one thing the greeks invented philosophy, so i dont know where you got that idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cause they arent american-duh!.!.!.!.*snickers*Www@QuestionHome@Com

huh!? your assumption is false!.Www@QuestionHome@Com