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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's going to happen when we run out of cemetery space?

Question: What's going to happen when we run out of cemetery space!?
I have always wondered this!. Society seems to insist on buring the deceased in a ceremonial fashion, but what will happen once we've filled our cemetery space!?

I know that many people opt for cremation, and some societies don't necessarily use treated wood or metal coffins which would take forever to decompose (pretty much never in the case of metal), but we only have so much ground to cover before we run out!.

I know that cremation is a solution to this but some people are against it!.

I know this might sound a bit cold, but being sealed in a treated pine coffin that would take forever to decompose sort of defeats the natrual cycle of life and death (where instead of literally feeding the worms we are sealed away for a good amount of time)!.

I understand the desire people have for closure, and that's what the ceremonies are for, but the bodies of the deceased aren't as important as the memories and impact they've made on the people they've touched in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have told my next of kin I would rather be fed to the lions! Be eaten up and recycled! To my mind once you are dead, your spirit has left your body, you are no longer there!.!.!. what happens to your shell and carcass is irrelevant!.!.!.!.

There is a man I see in the cemetery by me!. EVERY NIGHT he visits a grave and stands there for an hour!.!.!.!. every night, come rain or shine!. I think its his wife!. I have walked past the cemetry walking my dog!. He is there every night!. I find this a form of madness!. The woman is DEAD, gone, I doubt very much if she finds him standing there for an hour every night any consolation!. What's the point!? The woman is DEAD!. I really don't understand it!.

I think people "need" something to worship to represent their dead loved on!. I personally would rather someone showed me respect whilst I am alive! I would rather have a bunch of flowers NOW, than have them put on my grave when I am dead! I don't care what happens to my body when I am dead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Superb question!.!.!.!.!. great you have thought about this problem!!

My suggestion would be to record and preserve dead people in cyber-space and let their bodies decompose naturally underground without blocking any space for every dead body for too long!.

Alternately, perhaps we'd have to think of creating tiers or floors below ground-level and create multiple graves below each other!.

Some solution must of course be found quick enough!.!.!.!.!. the cemeteries are indeed already looking too jammed and crowded!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Once a cemetary is full, the graves are cleared and the bones stored elsewhere!. New graves are then dug in their place!.
Personally, I agree with you that cremation is far more preferable ( but not necessarily more environmentally friendly) to burial!. But the detective series that rely totally on evidence from the dug-up corpses would have to change their storylines!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you become tommorrows earth for people to plant their vegetables in!.!.!.or the rock so that people can climb mountains or you become a great space fdor insects and spiders to raise their young!.!.the earth is a cemetry!.!.best we look after it!.!.its our ancestors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yup, and guess what, it contributes to property value rising!. I suppose they'll come up with apartment building type cemetary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Either cremation or burial at sea!. Shooting them off into space would be too expensive,and who wants to send loved ones into the great void!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the answer is space cemeteries!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Global warming will have finished us off by thenWww@QuestionHome@Com

The graves of the deceased are tended whilst descendants are in the world to remember and do so!. Once the tenders have expired, the graves remnant, if not decomposed are disposed of, and room is made for newcoming dead!.

Cremation is also an equaliser, in the it disposes by incineration and usually casts the ashes into running waters or the sea where they embark upon a new life cycle of purification and recycling to end on golden or white sand beaches!.

There they are gathered and blasted in furnaces to be cast into glass for drinking and consuming vessels!.

I suspect God encounters a similar problem disposing of evil in the world!. Invariably a Pandora of sorts opens the gathered sin, or can of worms and the evil invades minds and hearts again, for the cleansing process to begin over again!.

Solution s are found to resolve this cycle that sometimes appears as a square when pulled by four conflicting powers in four directions!. Fear, ignorance and the hate, division and warfare it creates impedes progress!. If God has dual loyalties, what hope then for mankind!.

Fidelity guides man to heaven!. Faithless or the unfaithful remain in hell!. Absolute Truth created of Love is the key!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Got a match!?

But, seriously, it's not likely to be an issue!. The fact is that we aren't close to running out of space to bury people!. Of course, this is largely because most of the people who died more than 100 years ago are resting peacefully under housing projects and other buildings!. Cemeteries have a habit of becoming abandoned, forgotten, then the land gets used for other things!. There are parks where you can't dig more than a few feet without hitting some bones!. There are also many cases where new cemeteries are built over old ones and the bodies just stack up!. It's like a condo for dead people!.
If we can spare a few million acres for old farts to play golf, then we can sure as heck spare a little room to bury them when they die so loved ones ahve a place to go mourn (or dance, depending on how they felt about the guy!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com