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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why does personal problems create difficulties in reaching your goal?

Question: Why does personal problems create difficulties in reaching your goal!?
If a person is intelligent & capable to become an important person, why does his/her personal person creates problems in your professional life!? Is it so necessary to have no defaults in you to be able to become a successful person!? Is there a person on this world who has no problems in his/her personal life, who has no defaults!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you analyse successful, renowned or popular people, look behind the facade, you will see good ordinate individuals!. Neither saints, messiahs superhuman or three headed!. Simply people who have enterprise, vision and dreams!.

There are many talented persons in the world!. Talent without ambition lies beneath a bushel!. Time withers and wanes with the dying or our dreams and aspirations!.

It is mans sense of purpose his part and role in life that keeps him alive and functioning!. His love for his family, friends, and peers fuels his strengthening and spiritual growth!.

Success is peace of mind!. Bereft of this vital virtue man merely battles with his demons and in the absence of being able to slay them, self destructs!. Yet the yearning within for that peace drives him to babble!. If silence is golden he is submerged in darkness!.

Watching other’s fall apart!. Lives broken and tormented!. Knowing the cause and being helpless to do anything is soul destroying!.

Let us collectively wish with minds hearts and souls for peace in the hearts of each man woman and child in the worldWww@QuestionHome@Com

What if having successful personal relationships IS your goal!?

Define "important" and "successful"!. By context, it seems that these are defined in purely material terms for you!. That is, if your profession is collecting garbage you are somehow less important, and if your job is being Vice President of DuPont you are more important (and more successful)!.

But that isn't the only way to define "success" and "importance"!. Being happy (not that constant happiness is an achievable goal - highs don't exist without contrasting lows) might make you "successful"!. And all parents can be considered "important"!.

Intelligence doesn't have to have anything to do with any of it, unless you CHOOSE to define things that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes , very intelligent and hard working people also find it difficult to reach their goals because of personal problems!.Personal problems really dominate our thoughts , take our time and finances that they prevent or delay the success of a person !. Everybody in this world has some sort of personal problem or other, no body is spared from them !. Only thing is some people take them too seriously while some don't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they are too real to be ignored!Www@QuestionHome@Com