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Position:Home>Philosophy> Fun topic:Which would make the biggest headline?

Question: Fun topic:Which would make the biggest headline!?
1)Dinosaur cloning has commenced!.

2)Its official, we're not alone in the universe,

3)Time travel now possible!.

4)Scientist answers meaning of life!.

5)There is no god!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that 'there is no God' will just throw earth off balance!. seriously!. it will massively affect the human race!.
because billions of people rely on God for their life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In (1) through (4), there is an implicit assumption that those answers come from science (and possibly engineering for (3))!. In modern society, many people seem to take what science reports as truth, without questioning it!. For example, Godel found solutions to Einstein's equations that showed that in some universes, time would travel in a loop, theoretically meaning time travel would be possible!. That was widely reported in the popular press at the time!. Has anything happened since in that regard!?

So that leaves us with (5)!. Where would the definitive answer to this question come from!? From science - which, starting in the early 20th century, has done everything it can to distance itself from the notion of God!? (Historically, many leading scientists were motivated to understand the universe to understand better the workings of God!.) Those who have faith in the existance of God(s) would simply dismiss the answer that science provides!. And I doubt that, given the limitations of the scientific method, such an answer would ever be forthcoming anyway!.

So where else would the answer come from!? Perhaps God manifesting him/her/itself and declaring "I don't exist!?" Now that would be a headline!Www@QuestionHome@Com

We're not alone in the universe, having it called "official" doesn't change that,

No one can prove there is no God since God is spirit and nobody can prove or disprove that either one way or the other, and certainly scientists couldn't answer the meaning of life anymore than the rest of us can,
(the only meaning in life is the meaning each of us gives it anyway),

Cloning is already taking place, (dinosaurs would be kinda cool I guess, as long as they weren't carnivores),

Time Travel (oh dear God! let us pray we don't ever take all our "intelligence" to other worlds and infect others with our wisdoms!!! We're still murdering each other over religious differences for crying out loud)

But in answer to your question, I think number 5 on your list would throw our world into complete chaos!!! I think it would get the biggest headline of all!. We seem to be consumed by the subject of God and Religion in this world and beyond sensitive about what others have to say about religious worship and beliefs to the point of warfare!. Sigh!. We haven't grown up enough yet to launch out into more peaceful worlds, we can't even create one for ourselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think 2, that we are not alone in the universe!. it would have the widest effect on life as we know it!. 1 can already be done so it would not be too odd to find that they did it!. 3 will never be possible and even if it becomes so would be disastrous!. as for 4 there is no universal meaning of life!. well 5 wouldn't matter to some and others would just say they were right the whole time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think #2 since most people already think that's possible but the others, I just don't think the majority would believe and would think the news feed came from the National Enquirer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

3 time travel is possible because we now know the meaning of life and there is no god but we've gone back and going to start cloning dinosaurs for researchWww@QuestionHome@Com

there is no god, people will go nuts!.!.!. Especially the religious fanatics! It would be on CNN for years to come!

Religion is a Major part of many peoples lives this headline will receive the most controversyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think the meaning of life would be the biggest!. finally finding out the whole point of existenceWww@QuestionHome@Com

No god would blow peoples mind!. They just wasted all their time!. It would make all of your other questions pointless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you say "There is not God"!.!.!.!.!.!.killers will work hardest!. This would be awful, not laws, not limits, who will people stop!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think 3-4-5 would battle it out for top headline of the day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

time travel is now possible! LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com