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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does loyalty always require self sacrifice?

Question: Does loyalty always require self sacrifice!?
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Well, one has to make that choice for thyself!.

I was in a loveless relationship for almost two years!. I gave up sooo much to be with that woman!. I lost contact with friends, stopped hobbies I used to love, gave up my social life in general!. I was telling myself it would pay off and at the time, I didn't see it as a sacrifice!. But now, hell yeah I would call it that!.

It's state of mind!. If you want to be loyal, sacrifice isn't the right word!. More discipline!. But make sure it's for the right person first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I assume you are referring to loyalty to someone else or perhaps a cause of some sort!. Of course, loyalty requires a sacrifice of your time in a way!. If let's say it is concerning a relationship with someone you like a lot or even love, then in order to cultivate that relationship it requires that you devote a minimum amount of time, energy, and care in order to maintain the relationship!. However, if it is a relationship you enjoy having then if you thoroughly enjoy the company of whoever it is that you have that relationship with, you would not perceive the time, energy, and care spent to be a sacrifice but rather a reward for being in the relationship!. Yet, if there were any incompatibities within the relationship, then those same things would certainly at times seem like sacrifices which you would choose to willing make in order to get the reward of the good times!. For causes you may wish to devote time to such as charitable causes, then it may turn out that you end up making sacrifices without any reward as in when the work you do ends up not resulting in any improvement to the ones you are being charitable to!. This could be the case, for instance, when you try to help a drug addict or alcoholic conquer their addiction and the result is that they end up with an even worse self destructive habit!. Your time would have been wasted as far as accomplishing what you devoted your time to do, however, the indirect reward you would possibly get is that your conscience would be clear because you tried at all instead of ending up feeling like someone who cares for no one other than yourself because you didn't try!. The delicate balance needed to maintain as far as societal altruism goes is not feeling guilty when you feel certain that there is nothing you can do to help someone anyway because you don't know how!. In addition you must keep in mind that you are only one individual and you can't be in all places at the same time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. I think loyalty require some form of collateral!.

The person your being loyal to demands assurance!.

This excludes mammals that posses no reason!.

Dogs remain loyal by a sentient means for example!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Loyalty requires a worthy subject!.!.!.!.!.if worthy, it's not really a sacrifice as much as a disaplineWww@QuestionHome@Com

not always but sometimes so you can make the other happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. You should never sacrifice yourself just to be loyal to another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Loyalty only requires loyalty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

be careful saying always!. just with that in your question, most likely the answer is no!.Www@QuestionHome@Com