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Question: To All Of You Without A Prefect Life!?
how do you cope with things going wrong!?
how do you get up when you fall down!?
how do you paint grey skies to blue!?
how do you change the world to be a better place!?
how do you care untill youve cared to much!?
how do you stop when you want to keep going!?
how do you put a smile on each morning!?
how do you help someone to help yourself!?
how do you lovev again!?
how do you keep going on!?

these questions really sum up my life!. what are your answers to all of them!?

please noly post serious answers!

i want your opinions on all of them, so please take the time to answer all of them!.

enjoy life and have a great day!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hey don't worry about those other people!. I know it sucks when when you get jerks who try to ruin your day, don't let them get you down becuase you asked some fantastic questions!. Good luck reading all of these hehe, and keep yo chin up!.

how do you cope with things going wrong!? Music!. Music is everying!. Nature!. Go for a walk, it'll calm you down and help you think about how to get everything in order!.

how do you get up when you fall down!? here, check out this song: http://sq!.txdnl!.com/mwt/i/c/y/1/icy1_14/!.!.!.

how do you paint grey skies to blue!? once again music and nature!. Pick your instrument or start playing one!. Mines guitar!. Go sit outside and just look at the sky!. Friends are a huge one too!. confide in your best one and do the same for her/him

how do you change the world to be a better place!? You being a good person and doing what you want changes!. People's destiny change everyday, and you being a cool person, just a smile can help people out!.

how do you care untill youve cared to much!? Oh man!. wow story of my life!. well my best friend is addicted to drugs and I gave (giving) all my time into helping her with her problems becuase I refuse to let her fall since everybody else has urned away!. You'll know when you care too much, but if yoou care that much about something dont just give up on it, theres a reason it means so much to you!.

how do you stop when you want to keep going!? why stop!?

how do you put a smile on each morning!? throw on some music, do a few jumpping jacks!. Talking to people makes everything better!. We all have those days where we're like "omg i dont wanna be around people", but just hangiing out with friends and being youself, theyll always find a way to make you smile

how do you help someone to help yourself!? Yet again, story of my life!. I feel like i need to give back by helping since im so fortunate to be here

how do you lovev again!? you'll find the way, you cant force yourself to love

how do you keep going on!? why quit, we only have one shot

hope this helps, if you EVER need anything, lewallg@culver!.org!.
I know sometimes theres nobody to talk to and for somebody 13 to write a question like that is really deep!. I'm only 16, but I know how it is!. Hope everythings okayWww@QuestionHome@Com

How do you help someone to help him/herself!?
Hopefully not by lovev ing again!.!.!.
But more importantly how do you stop someone from asking a series of trite and cloying questions in the guise of making people feel good but actually just making them cringe!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read the poem, "Richard Cory"!. Your questions are meaningless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about one question!?

And btw, nobody has a perfect lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

how do you cope with things going wrong!? - Cry, really cry it helps cleanse you
how do you get up when you fall down!? - Look for the positive - sounds corny but it helps
how do you paint grey skies to blue!? - with a paint brush, literally i paint flowers and blue skies it lifts my mood and helps me refocus so i can work through the dark days
how do you change the world to be a better place!? - teach my kids old fashion values like honesty and manners
how do you care untill youve cared to much!? - Parenting is all about the caring !.!. then you need to step back breathe and do it all again
how do you stop when you want to keep going!? - depends sometimes i know its going to be a train wreck but i continue anyways
how do you put a smile on each morning!? -- Remember what my daughter told her brother when i wasn't in the room "Mommy takes care of Everything"
how do you help someone to help yourself!? -- trade babysitting
how do you lovev again!? -- with time and lots of tears
how do you keep going on!? -- is there any other choice i have to much to do to give it all upWww@QuestionHome@Com

how do you cope with things going wrong!?
- i write it down sometimes, or i listen to music

how do you get up when you fall down!?
- i push my hands/arms against the floor and slowly straighten my feet and get up, or find a solid object near me that i can hold to to stand up!. maybe a prayer or a real friend's hand will do!.

how do you paint grey skies to blue!?
- i wear blue eyeshades and look up

how do you change the world to be a better place!?
- i cannot change the world alone, i can only contribute by refraining from doing harmful things!. as much as possible i do every good thing that i can!. maybe i can redecorate my room, even the living room

how do you care untill youve cared to much!?
- then it's also time to care for myself

how do you stop when you want to keep going!?
- step on the brake!. after awhile, strive on get to your destination, but make sure you know your destination!.

how do you put a smile on each morning!?
- look on the mirror and smile at my own self, even if it's just for the sake of smiling

how do you help someone to help yourself!?
- help myself too to help him/her help myself

how do you love again!?
- i never stop loving him even if he's not mine anymore!. maybe one day out of nothing i'll suddenly realize that my love for him has already faded and i've just found another love again!. i don't stop loving my friends and my family!.

how do you keep going on!?
- breath, think, plan and moveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well I dont think anyone has a 'perfect' life!.

Even if one could cope when things are going wrong, get back up when they fall down, paint grey skies to blue, change the world to be a better place, care about someone till they've cared too much, stop when they want to keep going, put a smile on each morning even during difficult times when all they want to do is cry, help someone to help themself, love again, and to keep going on!.!.!.!.!.

if a person could do all of these things, their life would still not be perfect, lol!.!. they could wake up the next morning with a huge pimple on the side of their face!.!. minor imperfection, yes!. perfect, no!. Besides, who wants perfect anyway!? That'd be boring!.!.!.

Now for the majority of us who experience these things oftentimes on a daily basis!.!.!.let's see!.!.

Coping when things go wrong!.- Just remember someone else is always worse off than you!.
Get up when you fall down!.- well, thats pretty self explanatory!.!. Just get up!. It may be hard!. It may hurt a little!. But what other choice do you have!? Your just gonna sit there and let life pass you by!?!.!. I certainly hope not!.
How do you paint grey skies blue!? I'm assuming this is a figure of speech and you mean how do you make the best of a situation/ see the light at the end of the tunnel, see the glass half full inbstead of half empty!.!.!? You try your hardest to focus on the positive aspect of things!. And again, back to number one, someone else is always worse of than you!.!. be grateful for what you do have!. i!.e!. the skies may be grey and you were hoping for blue, but look at it this way, at least its not raining/stormy, lightening and thundering!.
How do you change the world into a better place!? You dont!. You stop thinking that you can, that is a naiive belief!. You just impact the world in the little ways that you can!. If you see trash on the side of the road/ pick it up!.
How do you care until you've cared too much!? I'm confused!.!. you can never care too much!. caring is a good thing!. so please, keep on caring!.!.lol
How do you stop when you want to keep going!?- you tell yourself, thats enough!. You be strong!. have will power!.
How do you put a smile on each morning!?- think back to a time in your life when you were happy!. Think back to a funny joke your friend told you!. Tell yourself today is going to be a great day, and that you are in control!.
How do you help someone to help yourself!?- ask for help!. Dont be scared to admit to someone you need help!. Let them help you!.
How do you love again!?- You will!. with time!. Just dont rush it!. Dont force it!. It will happen with time!.
How do you keep going on!?- You wake up, You put a smile on each morning!. You try your hardest to focus on the positive aspect of things!. And again, back to number one, Someone else is always worse off than you!.!. so be grateful for what you do have!. You continue caring the way you do for friends and family!. You dont be afraid to ask for help when you need it!. You realize that no one has a 'perfect' life and learn to be content with where you are in yours currently!.

looong answer for a looong question!.!. lol!. hope it helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com