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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is this really true about the Earth?my own creation?

Question: Is this really true about the Earth!?my own creation!?
The world was so colourful
So blissful
So wonderful
Ful of beauty
God’s creativity!!
But humans have made the earth so weird

Chirping birds
Running squirrels
Wonderful,cool breeze
Colourful trees
With no pollution
Where no one had to sneeze
But humans have made this earth so weird

Now,we have town and cities,
No trees,only their dead parts
No bullock carts
But only cars
So much pollution
Human’s vanity
Has crushed the earth into fragments
Earth has no beauty in its every piece
No happiness,no real peace!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thank you for sharing!. I really like the way you put it all together with the contrast of other creature activity and man's activity on it!. But on the flip side if there were no humans to see all this other activity we would not know it existed!. And today how man impacts the earth is basic necessity for survival!.

Even if man did not have the technological advantages of the earth then man would be at the mercy of the elements like the weather and the environment!. And also he would have to battle viruses and plagues and famines and also warfare between the tribes of other men!. And that is just for survival of the fittest But all this is no different than the way other creatures of nature live!. They live in warfare also, when you stop to think about it!. It's called the food chain with them!.

I did not want to diminish the beauty of your poem!. And also point out some practical thoughts about what could be if man were not the dominant species on earth!. I hope it makes sense!. Thanks for your poem!. Appreciate how man has progressed to protect himself and ensure his future on this earth!. And the best thing is that we can at least be more responsible in being good stewards of the earth!. So that all creatures and man is protected!. Later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fashions and fads
Life changes colour tone and shade
The beauty, the splendour
The fragrant air on a summer’s day
The anger, dread and the love

Fell the love and the pain!.!.
We all suffer and it lightens our load
Listening without hearing
Talking without saying
Truth in our words and hurt in our hearts

Life is so simple, becomes complex
Confusion, the storm comes, and we are moved
Foundations rumble, and it passes
Love returns peace in our minds!.!.

Agonies soon forgotten, pain subsided
Love finds a way, subdues all
The raging furnace of hell becomes
A warm fire on a winter’s night

Spring flowers, summers rose
Love grows, is shows in the hearts of all
Glows radiant cleansing all in its path!.!.

The ache will pass, the pain subdue
When again we stand at heaven’s door!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No real joy on earth, and it is with the creatorWww@QuestionHome@Com

this is not the poetry sectionWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com