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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think some people are just meant to be in your life?

Question: Do you think some people are just meant to be in your life!?
Okay so I'm asking this question because recently me and my mom have discussed moving back to california!. I want to go back so bad and I could easliy just leave this place and the people, but everytime i think about leaveing this girl just invades my mind!. Its like I can't think of anything else but her when i think about moving!.

It almost makes no sence because before we became friends she was making fun of me for being gay ( i'm a girl ) but now she just doesn't care!. I mean like if i asked she'd make me a rainbow flag!.I feel like it’s a big exception she has for me, and maybe she’s overlooking it because she subconsciously know that I’m supposed to be in her life to!. It’s like something is just pulling us together!. Its like yeah I could leave but I’d feel like I was missing something and then there’s that feeling that even I do move she will definitely show up in my life again because!. I just feel like she is going to be a big part of my life one day or teach me the smallest lesson that I needed to learn!. Then again I think maybe she could just be there to make me happy because she does everyday!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Every person is in your life for a reason, EVERY SINGLE ONE!. If you feel that leaving will be cutting something off or cutting something short you would be correct!. The good news is, if you decide to move, that "lack" that that person would be accomidating will be filled again by some other person or at some other time by that person!.
Your personal growth will not be hindered, maybe slowed, but not stopped!.
So, stay or go, the results will be what they should be!.
*I would stay*
Good LuckWww@QuestionHome@Com

I do think some people are meant to be in your life, and you in their life!.!.!. I guess you could look at it as if no matter where either of you are on your path of life, you will always have each other's back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Remember the parable of the caged bird!. If you are meant to be a part of each other's lives, you will come together, wherever you go!. Just as the caged bird may return of its own free-will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. I believe in Fate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i persoanlly dont think that ppl are meant to be!.!.i think its what u choose!.!.and u decide whether or not and the consequences and w/e jus come with the choice like cause and effect!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everyone in your life is there for a reason!. we are all connected in some way to each other and exert some force upon each other!. with some people we feel this special pull of attraction!. it might be sexual or a feeling that they understand us intrinsically!. you should do what you think is best as far a moving!. most people pass though our lives like ships in the night who we are connected to though the sea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com