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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would it be worth killing your self? all for the right reasons?

Question: Would it be worth killing your self!? all for the right reasons!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
pain is like an endless hole!. if you keep thinking bad thoughts, you're only making your pain or your 'reasons' worse in that matter!.
there is always a way back out!. you can change your thoughts, and with it your life!.
NOTHING is worse than killing yourself!. you're basically showing how weak you are!.
although I will say that I've felt like life will never get better for me!. and sometimes hoped that I was dead!. but I've always found a reason to live!. I want to see what will become of me in the future and put my life in Gods hands!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

IF and ONLY if for enough right reasons, it could possibly be worth killing yourself!. you would have to have it bad enough where there is absolutely no way to run away!. You would have to live in a 3rd world country, used as a sex slave, beaten, starved, have aids, on drugs, and diseased!. then, in the ground, you would be at peace with yourself!. but if you cut yourself, hate the world, are in high school, maybe your parents beat you or rape you or something, its not worth it, especially if you live in america or europe or austrailia or parts of south america and asia!. you can always try to escape your life, before your world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my mind, and in my family's minds, each of us has the right to determine for ourselves when life is no longer viable !. !. !. such as:

1) Terminally ill, advanced pain,
2) Advanced mental incapacity, no brain activity, coma
3) On permanent artificial life support systems

There are reasons we feel are worth pulling the plug for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In some cases committing suicide is considered one of the most noble things to do!.

I'm sure it won't take any of us long to think of some story of a hero who charges into a situation even though he is certain it will mean his death!. And if you initiate something that you know will kill you, suicide is pretty much the only word for it!. They even use that word in some of the most dramatic situations of fiction: "You can't go in there!.!.!. it's suicide!" Yet the person who dies to save other people is usually called 'brave' and a 'hero', not a 'coward' or a 'weakling'!.

If you think about it in a certain way, ALL of us trade our lives for things on a regular basis!. If you assume your life is of finite length (not a completely ridiculous assumption) then you have only so many hours of it left!. The difference between trading them all and trading even one of them away is just a matter of degree!. Any act we perform is done at the cost of irreplaceable hours - therefore we are all trading our lives away on a regular basis to go shopping, watch TV, and ask and answer questions here!.

The only difference in what is typically called a 'suicide' is that such a person doesn't SEEM to be trading the rest of their life for anything!. This, however, is just not so - what they are hoping to gain is an escape from misery, pain, and torment!. Whether they actually get what they pay for is more of a matter of theology!.

Personally, I try to do things with an awareness of this cost!. And there are things for which I have knowingly traded years of my life and considered it a good deal!. It is very easy for me to think of any number of things that I might trade all my remaining hours for!. It's just a matter of raising the stakes high enough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are no "right reasons" to kill yourself!. Life is very precious and a gift from God (and God doesn't make junk) To me life is kind of like weather!. Some days are terrible and others are great! You have to live for the great days and battle though the bad days!. Death is not the answer to any problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's no reason for killing oneself!. There's no room for cowards in life and death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To sacrifice your self for someone else or your country is write!. But to be selfish and end your life is not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends!. if you think it will leave a message or something positive about life or whatever the reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd have to know the reasons but yes I believe so but I think it would incredibly hard for me to kill myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think its the ultimate form of weakness when a person gives up on their own life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No - because a reason is just the stubborn adversary of thought!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!.!.!.by His terms you go to hell!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on the situation, I guess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What are the right reasons!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

heck yes! don't hesitate, do what you feel is right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i suppose i'd die for the person i love !.!.!. if it could mean she would liveWww@QuestionHome@Com

no!. because they would win if you did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com