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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are some interesting manisfestos on art?

Question: What are some interesting manisfestos on art!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
While I am very fond of both classical art of the Greeks and Romans, and of Renaissance art, I think manifestos are more a 20th or even 19th century phenomenon!. Might be wrong about that, but that's my first response!.

I rather like the Dada manifesto by Tristan Tzara, or declarations of Jarrès and others of that school!.

& while I am aware that Deconstructionalism is more a philosophy, literary criticism, than art, I think there is an art to both philosophy and criticism!. So I would suggest both Minimalism and Derridá's expression!. Let's through Nihilism in there too, for good measure!. (lol)

There is an art to political philosophy!. Even though politics is too musky or strong tasting to many!.Www@QuestionHome@Com