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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you remember ,your first thought about your own self,that make you different

Question: Do you remember ,your first thought about your own self,that make you different from others!?
every body is very different to each other by the thoughts,choices,and way of actions and reactions !.how do you feel your self with others!. what was your first thought about yourself ,when you were about to take a mature flight to live your way in your life!.!?thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At age five, I discovered I was much nicer than most other kids I knew!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i tried to hang myself inside the womb!. true story!. i was doing somersaults when my mom was in labor!. in doing do i wrapped the cord around my neck!. then because my mother's body was forcing me out i tried to go feet first which would have hung me!. they got me out and i have felt the angst from being forced into this world ever since!. i screamed for two years afterwards and never wanted to be held or touched!. i still don't like physical contact!. i've been an odd duck since before i was even born!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would consider myself real!.
Today i see so many FAKE girls running around
just b/c they want popularity!. personally
i dont want popularity!. And i glad i fit into the inbetween
stero type!. -normal-Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes ,I was very young when I found I could make people laugh!.
Be true to yourself!. It shows!Www@QuestionHome@Com