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Position:Home>Philosophy> Ibn-Rushd practiced Maliki law. Is this why Thomas Aquinas opposed him?

Question: Ibn-Rushd practiced Maliki law!. Is this why Thomas Aquinas opposed him!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ibn-Rusd was known in Europe as Averroes!. Maliki law had nothing to do with it!.

"Religion, he said, is for the unlettered multitude; philosophy for the chosen few!. Religion teaches by signs and symbols; philosophy presents the truth itself!. In the mind, therefore, of the truly enlightened, philosophy supersedes religion!. But, though the philosopher sees that what is true in theology is false in philosophy, he should not on that account condemn religious instruction, because he would thereby deprive the multitude of the only means which it has of attaining a (symbolic) knowledge of the truth!. "

The weakness of his entire Aristotilean doctrine "as a psychological explanation of the origin of knowledge, is its failure to take account of the facts of consciousness, which, as the Scholastics were not slow to point out, indicate that not merely an individual disposition but an active individual principle enters into the action which ones expresses by the words "I think"!.