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Position:Home>Philosophy> How private is YOUR PRIVATE LIFE?

Question: How private is YOUR PRIVATE LIFE!?
Do you like to share it with friends!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Private life is as diverse as people are!.

During my formative years, my basic everything was a secret because my family was a horror show and I was the main act!. Keeping personal privacy was the difference between having a life and being alone with THEM!.

In my adolescence, I discovered Freud, and letting out my shyte was a wonderfully freeing experience!. From 18 to 32 I wore my life on my sleeve and I shared really inappropriate information with EVERYONE!. I ended up as a social gadfly with a million listeners and NO FRIENDS!. It was exactly what I had feared as a child, except I had NO IDEA!.

Now I am a fairly reticent person, wrapped in an extroverted sharer!. People think I am very out there and forthright, but, like I have just done above, I share the sense and leave the substance to your imagination!.

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I keep my private life VERY private!. I prefer it that way!.
There is so much that I have to do that is observed publicly, so I love the feeling of having a zone all of my own that others don't know about!.
I am more open with some of my friends than others, but I'm still essentially quite a guarded person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I shared only with inner family and first degree friendsWww@QuestionHome@Com

of course i wanna share it to all the people i know!.!.but they say i'm secretive, that's being private!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the only person that knows everything bout me is my gf, but not my friendsWww@QuestionHome@Com

extremely!. no way do i share!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how could u call it private if u share it to anyone!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


not all, i'll reserve some for my eyes onlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

As I've gotten older I've become more private!. For years I wore my heart on my sleeve! But not so much now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

certain stuffs!.!. not all!.!.

no one knows my biggest secretWww@QuestionHome@Com