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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do some people give us the creeps?

Question: Why do some people give us the creeps!?
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because they emanate emotional vibes that do not sync well with ours, thereby disturbing ours!. sometimes a person who gives one person the creeps does not do so to others!. which person in a "gives me the creeps" situation is the one who is fouled up, I do not know!. maybe if one's own emotional vibe is correctly in order, she would not get so creeped out by some people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Various reasons!.

It's not that they necessarily do or say weird and creepy things because sometimes people can let out such a vibe when they are simply gazed upon for the first and only time!. How would you know, from a single glimpse, that such a feeling of heebie-jeebies is valid!?

I'm well aware that I might give some people the creeps!. I like to read, write, draw, play video games, and spend time with my friends!. At work I tend to stick to myself and not talk unless it's necessary!. Some people find such behavior creepy without getting to know me!.

Now, is it weird that I revel in that idea!? I rather relish the thought of being the quiet oddball!.

I think what creeps people out the most is when they see or hear someone who somehow challenges their idea of what is "normal!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the majority of us are stereotypical!. If we see someone who looks like they do creepy things (whatever that looks like), we get the creeps!.

It's also a case of our own taste!. I have no particular style, but if I was stereotypical - which I can assure you I'm not - and I stuck to the same clothes, the same hairstyles, etc, I would probably judge someone who dressed and acted the opposite to me!.

Do you see what I mean!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because some negative knowledge, preconception, or past experience preconditioned your subconscious into stereotyping others' certain features or behaviors against that negativity pattern in the brain!. A "match" triggers primal fear warnings as part of our animal instinctive defense system!. Normal stuff!. Feeling creepy is just one of those warnings!. It is then your consciousness's job to decide whether it was a false alarm or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because their ways are different from what we are used to seeing!.
Their behavior and/or mode of thinking comes across to us as strange or incomprehensible, perhaps even unacceptable and disturbing!. That difference that we observe in them challenges our perceived sense of normality!. That is what makes us uncomfortable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont worry its a normal feeling it happens all the time to me some times peple are creepy and some times thay arnt but im not alwas right so i say trst your intuitionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because they are selfish want the good for them selves and want you to be the lowest and they to be the highestWww@QuestionHome@Com


intuition or 6th sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

coz they do creepy things and weird stuff
enough to make us left creeped outWww@QuestionHome@Com